CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

168 Transform Stress Into Success – Cooper

November 14, 2017

Transform Stress - The Evolution of Self Mastery
Transform Stress To Success
Chad Cooper recently published a new book, Time Isn't The Problem You Are- Four Strategies to Transform Stress into Success. I love it when our guests talk about the vagaries of our relationships with Time! His message is not about time-management. On the other hand, this is a life-management book.

Chad is an internationally known coach who can show anyone how to live their own Legendary Lifestyle, full of everything they need to be happy, joyful, successful and fulfilled. His coaching lessons will take you into more direct alignment with your principles - making and practicing them on a daily basis.

Personal Note

* Chad is a coach leading a life of example, retired at 35 years old, he coaches and mentors across several fields in order to inspire others to grasp their dreams and execute with passion.
* Chad is Owner of Factive Nautics Coaching
* And a Platinum/Master Coach for the Tony Robbins Research International organization (defined purposeful coaching with a clear direction).

Website & Books

*  - Buy his book here and receive 5-day Challenge Course valued at $487
* Time Isn't The Problem, You Are - Cooper - Global Amazon Link Now Available on Audio 
* Principles - Dailo - Global Amazon Link - Also strongly recommended
* Extreme Ownership - Willink - Global Amazon Link - Also strongly recommended
* The Robbins Research International Group


Additional Mindset and Coaching Insights From CBJ Guests

* CBJ/160 High-Performance Coaching - Thomas

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Until next time, thanks Chad for joining us again here at CBJ to review the challenge we all face with the process of growth and increasing, balanced, self-reliance. New telescopes and tools now improve diagnostic, treatment and self-management options.
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