CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

166 EMDR Provides Researched Options – PTSD, DID – Lobenstine

November 07, 2017

EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
Unlike other forms of psychological disorders, the core issue in trauma is reality.
- Bessel A. van der Kolk - The Body Keeps Score
Unlocking The Past With EMDR
Farnsworth Lobenstine is a clinical social worker living in Amherst, MA. He's an Approved Consultant for the EMDR International Association. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy is one of 3 therapies approved internationally for the treatment of PTSD - to embrace events, to master them, from the dark halls of the past. Because it treats the body-mind, and not just the thinking-brain [the part that is the primary focus/objective for talk therapy], it has also proven to be very useful in the treatment of depression, anxiety, and many other psychological disorders.

EMDR has proven to be an effective treatment for complex trauma and dissociative identity disorder when appropriately modified. He trained in EMDR in 1999 and served on the National Faculty of the EMDR Institute since 2001. This interview is quite compelling and adds considerably to options for resolving past trauma. He's experienced, intelligent and reasonably opinionated - an excellent mix! Don't miss Farnsworth - love that name!

Personal Ed. Note: The use of EMDR treatments remain so frequently overlooked. Although I don't provide EMDR myself as a therapist, I've worked with numerous well trained EMDR practitioners and certified EMDR trainers since 2003, and find it remarkably, indeed pervasively useful in everyday psychotherapy practice. This 166 CBJ Episode doesn't entirely cover the fact that this technique works for adolescents as well - more on that specific age range coming later.

Also, at this time in 166 CBJ Episodes, Farnsworth is the first practitioner/trainer who specifically discusses this proven, useful EMDR process for our listeners.  And he won't be the last.  We do have much more to learn about the EMDR How. Stay tuned; we've just scratched the surface on this interesting, utilitarian topic.
CBJ Experts on PTSD & EMDR

* CBJ/vets Multiple Experts Consider Options
* CBJ/099 Mathias - First Responders Trauma - with a PDF on EMDR
* CBJ/100 Drury - Women, Trauma, and EMDR
* CBJ/157 Searle - Interesting DID Reintegration Process and EMDR
* CBJ/165 Searle/2 - More specific Discussion of DID and EMDR

Website & Books

* Website:
* Lobenstine, F. & Courtney, D., (2013) A Case Study: The Integration of Intensive EMDR and Ego State Therapy to Treat Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Depression and Anxiety. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 7(2), 65-80 - Excellent PDF Comprehensive Overview Complimentary PDF short link:  - 16 pgs, multiple excellent references
* Lanius, U., Paulsen, S.L., Corrigan, F.M., (2014). Neurobiology and Treatment of Traumatic Dissociation: Toward An Embodied Self  - Global Amazon Link
* The Body Keeps Score - Brain, Mind & Body in the Healing of Trauma - van der Kolk - Global Amazon Link
* EMDR International Association -