CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

165 Dissociative Identity Disorder – Update – Searle

November 02, 2017

Lost & Found: Dissociative Identity Disorder Solutions
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
- Marcel Proust
Details for Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder
Beverly Searle – Discusses nuances of healing Dissociative Identity Disorder [DID], Anorexia, PTSD, and Depression. At the moment Beverly is finishing an evidence-based research project with a Ph.D. student investigating the use of her personalized recovery process on people who had experienced trauma at work. Preliminary results show there was up to an 80% improvement in 10 hours of therapy. She is an independent researcher in the trauma/adversity landscape and is focused on thousands who have had negative, traumatic life experiences. This is the second time for Beverly here at CBJ & focuses on her considerable experience with DID.

Personal Note From Beverly    

"Everything about the recovery process that I teach in my practice was first accomplished addressing my own past conflicts - the embryonic theory I did in my own head!  I adjusted each step, tuned and adjusted again until the step worked! I have family and friends who let me try this approach out on them who suffered from anxiety and PTSD issues. Weren’t they wonderful to do this?

Then I added another part or step and started all over again with the testing, and adjusting.  My friends also gave me suggestions which I then tried out and if they worked (again in my own head) I would add this my recovery plan until it became a complete formula, an 8 step process, 4 which can be done as a Self Help process and 5-8 with a counselor/therapist.
Her Practice
My practice can find application in a variety of challenges including PTSD, Anorexia, and Dissociative Identity Disorder. My first client who was suffering from anorexia for over 15 years was able to alleviate within 3 months and has never looked back since then. Download the free report on my website, and you can read her testimonial."
DID - Dissociative Identity Disorder
Most relevant for this CBJ/165 Episode: these steps also apply to Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Website & Books 

* We Into I - Searle 2013 - Global Amazon Link
* What Doctor's Don't Want You To Know About Anorexia - Searle - Global Amazon Link
* Psychosynthesis: A Collection of Basic Writings  - Assagioli - Global Amazon Link
* The Act of Will - Assagioli - Global Amazon Link
* Special Offer at her website:


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Until next time, thanks for joining us again here at CBJ to review the several complexities of diagnosis and recovery for Dissociative Identity Disorder. New telescopes and tools now improve diagnostic and treatment options. Do you have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below. If you enjoyed this episode, please also share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post.