CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

159 ADHD Lessons On Executive Function – Markel

October 12, 2017

Executive Function Objectives Change "ADHD" Recovery
Good judgement comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement.
- Will Rogers
New Executive Function Tools To Make A Difference When Meds Don't Work
Geraldine Markel, Ph.D., Born Brooklyn, NY. Currently, is the CEO of Managing Your Mind Coaching & Seminars, Ann Arbor, MI, and an expert on executive function recovery principles. Previously, she was faculty at School of Education, University of Michigan.

She's an executive function productivity coach for adults and adolescents with "ADHD" and related challenges- and discusses here how often high functioning executives remain completely overlooked. Her fresh intelligence and straightforward insights provide constructive views for those stuck in thinking - in Attention Abundance Disorder.  It's not a

Ed Note: It's not a "Deficit" if, in fact, it's  180 out - functionally too much - "Abundance." Completely the opposite targets are definitely different.  Think AAD - it provides a completely different set of treatment targets as outlined years ago in my book - New ADHD Medication Rules.

Geri is also the busy author & co-author of these several utilitarian books:  Actions Against Distractions: Managing Your Scattered, Disorganized, and Forgetful Mind, Defeating the 8 Demons of Distraction: Proven Strategies to Increase Productivity and Decrease Stress, and Finding Your Focus: Practical Strategies for the Everyday Challenges Facing Adults with ADD.

Listen up for a deeper perspective from her coaching and teaching experiences - Geri is loaded with deep training on the complexity of moving forward with executive function challenges.
Websites & Selected Books: 

* Managing Your Mind Coaching and Seminars - Dr. Markel Seminar Site
* Actions Against Distractions - Markel - Global Amazon Link
* Defeating the 8 Demons of Distraction - Markel - Global Amazon Link
* Finding Your Focus - Greenbaum & Markel - Global Amazon Link
* A New Understanding of ADHD in Children & Adults - Executive Function Impairments - Brown - Global Amazon Link
* Using CBT - The ADHD Took Kit - Ramsay & Rostain - Global Amazon Link
* New ADHD Medication Rules - Parker - Global Amazon Link


Multiple CBJ Guests Address Executive Function Challenges

* CBJ/teen - Multiple Expert Guests on ADHD, children, teens & the value of coaching
* CBJ/mindset - Multiple Expert Guests on rethinking thinking for targeted self-management
* CBJ/153 - Autism Spectrum: Community & Complexity
