CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

158 Kinesiology, Mind & Recovery Details – Weaver

October 10, 2017

Kinesiology Provides A Tool For Deeper Understanding
The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest the patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.
- Thomas Edison
New Tools To Make A Difference When Meds Don't Work
Christopher Weaver, DC - is a chiropractor on a mission, and an Applied Kinesiologist with insights that link body challenges with brain and emotional life. Here he discusses kinesiology measures and his imperative review of each muscular system, each acupuncture meridian system, the relevance of the lymphatic system, symptoms that result from neuromuscular reflexes and nutritional challenges, all of which releases tension and stress placed on the central nervous system.

Once again, the mind and body are connected and communicate in measurable ways. Today we learn new measurements for recovery.
A Deep Dive Into The Kinesiology of Body Mechanics
"Originally born and raised in Gastonia, NC, but I have resided in Asheville, NC and our Wellness Center is located right outside of Asheville, NC in Fletcher, NC. As a Chiropractor, my objective is to locate, analyze and remove misalignments of the spinal bones that are placing a pressure on the spinal nerve roots. When there is a misaligned vertebra, the pressure it places on the nerve root causes an interference in the brain's ability to communicate with the body and vice versa."
Websites & Selected Books: 

* His Website:
* Applied Kinesiology Synopsis, 2nd Ed. 2016, David Walther - Global Amazon Link
* Applied Kinesiology Revised Edition, 2013, Robert Frost - Global Amazon Link
* The Body Keeps Score: Brain Mind & Body - Healing of Trauma - Van der Kolk - Global Amazon Link


Multiple CBJ Guests Address Mind and Body & Recovery

* CBJ/mindset - Multiple guests on rethinking thinking for targeted self-management
* CBJ/vets - Multiple guests discuss PTSD, and trauma recovery
* CBJ/154 - Dr. Robert Williams - Energy Fields Measured & Applied


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