CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

154 Energy Fields – Measured & Applied – Williams

September 26, 2017

Energy Fields | Measurement and Healing
The energy of the mind is the essence of life.
~ Aristotle
An Interesting Journey Into New Tech Applications For Energy Fields
Robert O. Williams is the author of Love is the Power and the co-founder of ONE08 Inc., a Portland, OR-based innovative technology company. He is also the inventor and developer of Quantum Code Technology. Robert’s research has provided scientific breakthroughs in energy-field-based technologies, consciousness, and human potential.

Robert has also enjoyed success as a musician and educator. The science is here on measurement and use of energy fields. The Quantum Code term itself sounds 60's-edgy, but listen up as he documents research from a number of resources.
Robert's Path To Coherence
Robert’s life changed in 1979 when he had a near-death experience. Since then, he devoted his time and energy toward researching consciousness, subtle energy, conventional physics, and medicine. He worked with prominent scientists Professor William Tiller (Stanford University), Professor Beverly Rubik (UC Berkeley), Professor Rustum Roy (Penn State) and Professor Stuart Krassner (UC Irvine).

Robert’s research was published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine and the Journal of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine. His technologies appear to change the elementary particle levels of coherence. Robert co-developed the ONE08 mobile phone Heart+ APP that enhances, supports, and maintains highly efficient human and animal bioenergy levels.
The Coherence Model Postulates - From

* The functional status of the underlying psychophysiological system determines the range of one’s ability to adapt to challenges, self-regulate and engage in harmonious social relationships. Healthy physiological variability, feedback systems, and inhibition are key elements of the complex system for maintaining stability and capacity to appropriately respond to and adapt to changing environments and social demands.
* The oscillatory activity in the heart’s rhythms reflects the status of a network of flexible relationships among dynamic interconnected neural structures in the central and autonomic nervous systems.

Heart Energy Fields Connect With Mind

* State-specific emotions are reflected in the patterns of the heart’s rhythms independent of changes in the amount of heart rate variability.
* Subcortical structures constantly compare information from internal and external sensory systems via a match/mismatch process that evaluates current inputs against past experience to appraise the environment for risk or comfort and safety.
* Physiological or cardiac coherence is reflected in a more ordered sine-wavelike heart-rhythm pattern associated with increased vagally mediated HRV [Heart Rate Variablity], entrainment between respiration, blood pressure and heart rhythms and increased synchronization between various rhythms in the EEG and cardiac cycle.
* Vagally mediated efferent HRV provides an index of the cognitive and emotional resources needed for efficient functioning in challenging environments in which delayed responding and behavioral inhibitions are critical.
* Information is encoded in the time between intervals (action potentials, pulsatile release of hormones, etc.). The information contained in the interbeat intervals in the heart’s activity is communicated across m...