CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

153 Autism Spectrum Complexity Community & Family – Moore

September 21, 2017

Autism Spectrum Recovery | Team Connections

There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.
~ Aldous Huxley
Building The Autism Spectrum Team To Manage Recovery Variables
Dr. Debra Moore is a retired psychologist who now devotes her time to writing and sharing information on understanding, treating and managing autism. Years ago she founded and directed a psychotherapy center in Sacramento, California where she taught and mentored therapists in training to manage autism spectrum challenges.

Remember to always think in autism spectrum terminology to honor the deeper, evolving understanding of the multiplicity of underlying factors discussed by many experts here at CBJ listed below. [We'll add more on this page as they report findings here.]
Debra As An Autism Spectrum Resource
Over the years she developed a specialty in autism spectrum disorders and following retirement from direct clinical work coauthored The Loving Push - How Parents and Professionals Can Help Spectrum Kids Become Successful Adults, with Dr. Temple Grandin, an internationally acclaimed expert who herself has suffered from ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder - challenges.

Now living in Washington, DC, Debra contributors to Autism Parenting Magazine and Autism Asperger’s Digest, facilitates LinkedIn Groups Autism Spectrum Across the Lifespan, and Autism HELPING HANDS Mentors and contributed chapters to The Nine Degrees of Autism and Internet Addiction in Children and Adolescents. 

Debra's insightful comments here at CBJ/153, about ABA - Applied Behavior Analysis - and team play in work with ASD individuals, provide a helpful perspective even for the most informed parents and therapists.

Dr. Moore's Website & Book: 

* The Loving Push - How Parents and Professionals Can Help Spectrum Kids Become Successful Adults by Moore & Grandin - Amazon Global Link - Yes, Temple Grandin

Recommended Training Programs For Both Professionals and The Public

* Parents & Public - Autism Global Summit - Experts Discuss Multiple Treatment Details:
* Professionals - Autism Recovery Training - Dr. Kurt Woeller & International Experts:

It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.
~ Henry David Thoreau
My Contribution to The Autism Global Summit

Connected CBJ Guest Interviews Relevant for Autism Spectrum
For professionals, we strongly recommend Dr. Woeller's Autism Recovery Training - and if either a patient or a parent, or a beginning professional you will much appreciate the Autism Global Summit