CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

147 Medical Marijuana CBD & Cannabinoid Options – Rose

August 31, 2017

Marijuana - Reports On Medical Applications
LindaJoy Rose, Ph.D. aka Dr. L J, is an international speaker, therapist, author of 8 books, wellness contributor to Huffington Post and Dr. Mercola’s website and an E-Learning Specialist. Dr. L J is the founder of the Natural Wellness Academy, an online program certifying Health and Life Coaches, Hypnotherapist and Gut Health Specialists in 14 countries - and a person with interesting observations on the evolution of marijuana as a medical intervention.

Dr. L.J. was previously a guest on CBJ/132 discussing gut health and training professionals internationally regarding wellness and the use of hypnotherapy. I invited her back because she had interesting medical marijuana information on options and medical applications.

She's an outstanding speaker with a compelling, comprehensive perspective that adds interesting next steps to the evolution of neuroscience.
International Experience
As the former Director of International Development of the American Board of Hypnotherapy, she pioneered the training and certification of clinical hypnotherapists in many countries, including Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Mexico. Dr. LJ brings a fresh diversity of comprehensive experience to address ways both patients and therapists can participate in this Galileo Mind Moment.
Dr. LJ Reports on Marijuana, Cannabinoid, CBD Options
In the links below are multiple additional references to further understand the multiple applications now findings positive response. Remember THC and CBD are two different products - and we discuss those multiple issues in this episode.

Dr. LJ's Websites

Natural Wellness Academy Raw Foods Plans on FaceBook
For Professional Course Design:

Marijuana References

* Specific Report Cannabis and Kids - National Geographic Video & Report
* What Makes CBD Medicine? - Specific Information Regarding Applications/Strains
* NY Daily News Article: 