CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

146 Codependent Permissions Create Family Tragedy – Prouse

August 29, 2017

Codependency Recovery Requires Boundary Management
First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.
~ Epictetus
146 Jodee Prouse - She helps women recognize that they have the strength to transcend codependent family trauma, and helps build individual power to disengage from those family members who are at the heart of their ongoing drama. Without self-respect, you can't set limits on counterproductive patterns.
Her Codependent Message
Her mission is to help women recognize that love may become the reason not to engage - that taking care of oneself first is not a betrayal of family, or selfish. Making the hardest choices may seem to be cruel or callous, but, in fact, can become healthier for all parties.  Jodee spent more than 30 years seeking to protect a brother she ultimately lost to alcoholism - giving so much to support him it nearly cost her marriage and risked endangering her children’s mental health.
Family Dependency - A Repetitive Grid For Developmental Arrest
The grand-daughter, daughter, stepdaughter, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, niece, great-niece, aunt, cousin and sister to alcoholics, she shares constructive insights for families victimized by substance abuse and codependency patterns in relationships. a client with significant emotional issues provides an interesting view of her own repetitive family victim pattern and recovery process.
From Codependent Victim To Recovery
Her gripping and tragic story, told powerfully in The Sun is Gone: A Sister Lost in Secrets, Shame, and Addiction and How I Broke Free, unfolds while she is also growing an exceedingly successful beauty products business. The paradox of current life and past family life creates ineffective coping patterns that can last for years. Pulled in so many directions personally and professionally, she finally finds the strength to make the painful and necessary decisions that restored her emotional equilibrium. With improved self-respect, she is more effective at protecting herself and those closest to her.

Pulled in so many directions personally and professionally, she finally finds the strength to make the painful and necessary decisions that restored her emotional equilibrium. With improved self-respect and improved choices, she is more effective at protecting herself and those closest to her.

She still loves the brother she lost and hopes these lessons prove useful to choices with your own family boundary challenges.
Codependent References & Website

* The Sun is Gone: A Sister Lost in Secrets, Shame, and Addiction and How I Broke Free, by  Jodee Prouse - Global Amazon Link
* Families Bereaved by Alcohol or Drugs: Research on Experiences, Coping and Support, by Christine Valentine - Global Amazon Link
* How To Love Yourself - 50 Ways to Improve Self Esteem, by Anastasia Zaloga - Global Amazon Link


Connected CBJ Guest Interviews That Reference Codependent Patterns

* Mindset:


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Prouse Book Drawing ~ The Sun Is Gone
[2 Books] - Closed Sept. 8, '17
- Drawing Here -

Until next time,