CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

143 Immunity & Negativity Connect – Treatment Failure – Miller

August 17, 2017

Immunity Challenges Arise From Negativity And Past Trauma
Elicia Miller - In our culture and most families, we often don't receive the support to process many of our emotions, and so we continue to repress them by distracting and numbing ourselves and through controlling and addictive behaviors. In this Episode, we connect the reality of trauma, negativity, chronic illness and immunity to support a comprehensive healing process.

Unprocessed Emotions Also Create Physical/Medical Problems
Elicia tells us how she came to understand that unprocessed emotions cause chronic emotional and physical symptoms, as well as relationship problems. Elicia helps her clients understand their symptoms and triggers as a gift, a lesson for personal development. Her mission is to value all of their emotions as a necessary part of their authentic selves.
Healing With Intention
Elicia’s journey of healing her underlying medical issues with systemic Candida gave her the experience to guide hundreds to freedom from digestive problems and chronic fatigue.

With that advanced biomedical understanding, she next found the connections between anxiety, depression, autoimmune disease, eating disorders, codependency, addictions, poor body image, and perfectionism. Both mind and body crash hard against that solid wall of denial and limited thinking.  In this CBJ Episode, she also discusses how healing the emotional causes can resolve those multiple states of arrested development.
Supportive References

* Top 50 Messages from the Body - Their Psychological Meaning, by Michael Lincoln, a book reference to confirm the underlining psychological and emotional pattern of physical symptoms. Global Amazon Link
* The Language of Emotions, by Karla McLaren, a reference for each emotion, why all emotions are healthy and helping us, they are also our internal guidance system and soul’s expression. Global Amazon Link
* Healing the Child Within by Whitfield Global Amazon Link
* Healing the Shame that Binds You, by Bradshaw Global Amazon Link
* When the Body Says No - Exploring the Stress Disease Connection, by Gabor Maté, Global Amazon Link
* You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, a classic, Global Amazon Link
* Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology and How You Can Heal Donna Jackson Nakazawa, connects immunity with trauma, Global Amazon Link
* The Autoimmune Epidemic, Donna Jackson Nakazawa, additional details to connect past and immunity, Global Amazon Link
* Wherever You Go There You Are - Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life, by Jon Kabat-Zinn, a classic, highly recommended, Global Amazon Link


Previous Supportive CBJ Interviews

* Mindset:


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End your suffering by eliminating chronic symptoms, emotional eating, codependency, anxiety, depression, and addictions.

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