CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

139 Bioengineering Body & Mind – Piore

August 03, 2017

Bioengineering Takes Tragic Handicaps Out Of The Darkness
139 Adam Piore - author of The Body Builders: Inside the Science of The Engineered Human - chronicles the ways new technology has retooled our physical expectations and mental processes. Piore visits people who have regrown parts of their fingers and legs in the wake of terrible traumas, tries on a muscle suit that allows him to lift ninety pounds with his fingertips, dips into the race to create “Viagra for the brain,” and shadows the doctors trying to give mute patients the ability to communicate telepathically. Fasten your seatbelts for a dizzying trip into fresh mind and body regions.

Bioengineering activities address far more than just getting around with minimal support. Here Adam discusses his profound experiences with those who thought they would remain crippled and broken forever.
Prosthetic Connections
Do you know someone who suffers from the challenges of physical trauma, who lost a limb? This fresh perspective offers evolved bioengineering diagnostic and treatment options, and in this CBJ Episode takes recovery choices beyond simple prosthesis into the unexpected land of improved performance.

* To Be a Machine: Adventures Among Cyborgs, Utopians, Hackers, and the Futurists        Solving the Modest Problem of Death February 28,  2017, by Mark O'Connell - Amazon Global Link
* Regenesis: How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and Ourselves, by George M. Church, & Ed Regis - Amazon Global Link


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Complimentary 139 Piore Book Drawing - Closes Aug. 8, '17
The Body Builders: Inside The Science Of The Engineered Human
- Enter The Drawing Here -
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