CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

138 Migraines Headaches Tinnitus & Malocclusion – Rosenthal

August 01, 2017

Connections Matter: Headache Pain, Migraines & Tinnitus
Often Arise From Dental Malocclusion
Dr. Ron Rosenthal - Here Rosenthal weighs in on multiple biomedical pain and mind connections with migraines. With degrees in dentistry, biology, education, and a Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry, he left Eastern Virginia's tidewater for the hills of Kentucky, where he taught at the dental school there. He's a geographic neighbor now back in Hampton Roads, VA, is retired, and, as you will soon see, deeply opinionated about specific dental challenges that directly affect brain function through unrelenting head pains. Until our interview, however, we had never previously met.

Know someone who suffers from migraines, headaches, or tinnitus? This fresh perspective offers evolved diagnostic and treatment options, not on the traditional headache radar.
Treatment Failure & Migraines
During his teaching tenure, he became a co-director of the division of occlusion. That's the track where they teach details about headaches, migraines, and closely associated tinnitus. After appointment as the director of the Treatment Planning Division, he began to understand these connections more completely. Dr. Rosenthal brings years of experience to one of the most commonly missed contributory conditions that create migraine pain: dental challenges.

Yes, you read that correctly. Small dental misalignments are measured and corrected in challenges that arise in less than a millimeter of dental enamel. Ron tells us how he's worked this out for many stuck in years with dramatic pain and tinnitus.
Why Discuss Migraines And Tinnitus?
In a word, these several conditions often arise from previously unknown connections. Tinnitus is often directly linked to migraines and headache pain, and far too often these dots, those crossroads, exist in a disconnected, under-appreciated but imperative, biomedical reality. In this CBJ/138 Dr. Rosenthal discusses multiple connections, he's personally witnessed and successfully treated over the years.
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Is Headache, Migraines or Tinnitus Messing With Your Head
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