CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

137 Copper & Kryptopyrrole Corrupt Brain Function – Walsh

July 27, 2017

Copper and Kryptopyrrole Details For Treatment Failure - 2
From The CBJ Walsh Molecular Series: 2 of 4 
A common problem in ADHD, behavior disorders, and hormonal depression is a genetic inability to control copper, zinc, manganese, and other trace metals in the body due to improper functioning of the metallothionine protein.  These patients are often deficient in trace metals, amino acids, and Vitamin B-6 and overloaded in others.  They must avoid supplements and "enriched" foods containing copper..
~ William Walsh
This Copper & Kryptopyrrole Walsh Molecular Series Republished
Dr. Walsh Digs Deeper

Dr. Bill Walsh describes in useful detail during this Episode from one of the three top downloads at CBJ [this is a republication [2] of the CBJ/034 download] that numbers now in the thousands.  We think copper and kryptopyrrole imbalances bear repeating for all the new listeners not only because of their documented listening track record here but because they remain so overlooked and so frequently causal in treatment failure globally.

In this Episode he clarifies how easy, cost-effective measurement and correction of unbalanced copper and kryptopyrrole levels caused by, for example, combat stress can significantly add to depression, even psychosis, and fans the flames of substance abuse. Just remember, psych meds don’t touch these underlying measurable biomedical imbalances.

Think: molecular physiology arrives at the street level. Yes, this data is available in the urban landscape of Birdsnest, Virginia on the Eastern Shore.

PTSD,  TBI, PMS, and estrogen dominance are all often associated with these biomedical findings – all of these can become amplified, measurable and correctable. Accurate measures must become a part of every future stress-recovery process. If you don't measure and treat it, it will not respond to psychiatric medications.
Your Homework If You Haven't Prepared

* Methylation - CBJ/025 Published - Start At This Link
* Copper & Kryptopyrrole - CBJ/034 Published First At This Link - No need to go back.

* Schizophrenia & Bipolar - CBJ/042 Published
* Coming Soon - CBJ: Walsh on Autism

Copper [Cu] Overview: 
"Copper-overloaded depressives usually report that serotonin-enhancing antidepressants provide an improvement in moods, but they worsen anxiety. Benzodiazepines such as Klonopin and Xanax can be effective in reducing anxiety but are reported to have little effect on depression for this biotype. High-copper females are usually intolerant of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy since these treatments increase copper levels in the blood. [96% of this biotype are women.]"[1]

Consider chronic fatigue [CFS], terrible PMS with PMDD, and pervasive irritation with profound anxiety down to the marrow of your bones. 
Walsh Kryptopyrrole [Kp] Overview:
"Pyrrole disorder typically involves high anxiety, poor behavioral control, a reading disorder, impaired immune function, and other troubling symptoms. We observe severe pyrrole levels in persons diagnosed with violent behaviors, depression, schizophrenia, and other serious mental disorders.

A significant number of