CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

134 Glyphosate Toxins & Mind Science – Seneff

July 19, 2017

Profound Insights On Glyphosate, Mind Science & Culture
Ed note: This CBJ Episode 134 is delayed on publication due to some background tech issues. I'm resending it out 'raw' now [1-19] while correcting the CBJ site issues. Our direct discussion links coming soon for this outstanding interview with a global thought leader on the evolved understanding of the biomedical interface with glyphosate toxins that permeate everyday life.

Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She received the B.S. degree in Biophysics in 1968, the M.S. and E.E. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1980, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1985, all from MIT. In this CBJ Episode, she details profound contributions to today's health care crisis.

For over three decades, her research interests have always been at the intersection of biology and computation: developing a computational model for the human auditory system, and an understanding human language so as to develop algorithms and systems for human computer interactions, as well as applying natural language processing (NLP) techniques to gene predictions.
Seneff Reports
She has published over 170 refereed articles on these subjects and has presented keynote speeches at several international conferences. She has also supervised numerous Masters and Ph.D. theses at MIT. In 2012, Dr. Seneff was elected Fellow of the International Speech and Communication Association (ISCA).In recent years, Dr. Seneff has focused her research interests back towards biology.
Dr. Seneff's Focus on Glyphosate Ubiquity
In recent years, Dr. Seneff has focused her research interests back towards biology. Today she concentrates mainly on the relationship between nutrition and health. Her recent work on the ubiquity of neurotoxic effects from glyphosate provides specific references for the profound relevance of agricultural practices that directly contribute to today's health care crisis.

Since 2011, she has published over two dozen papers in various medical and health-related journals on topics such as modern day diseases (e.g., Alzheimer's, autism, cardiovascular diseases), analysis and search of databases of drug side effects using NLP techniques, and the impact of nutritional deficiencies and associated glyphosate toxicity. Must listen.
Coming Soon: Dr. Seneff's Comments Linked Here at CBJ/134

* I started with an interest in autism many years ago 
* I was searching and striking out with aluminum, lead  and vaccines
* Glyphosate substitutes for glycine
* All of these diseases are going up exponentially
* The core relationship & specific foods that suffer from the connections between GMO modification and Roundup
* The likely connection between IgG, Glyphosate and food sensitivities
* Glycine palindrome sequencing and specific brain 'diseases' Mad Cow and Alzheimer's
* Glyphosate, neurotransmitters, thyroid, and melatonin aberrations via the shikimate pathway
* It also significantly disturbs mineral pathways through chelation
* Details on manganese deficiency, sulphur and methylation challenges re: autism 
* Autism, sulfate, glutamate and the leaky blood brain barrier
* Our epidemic of inflammation and sulfate dysregulations create additional challenges associated with autoimmunity