CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

133 Mast Cell Activation Syndrome & Autoimmunity – Afrin

July 13, 2017

AutoImmunity, Immunity, & Mast Cell Activation Syndrome [MCAS]
Occam's Razor & Treatment Failure - 2
Dr. Lawrence Afrin 
It’s important to understand that [Occam's] Razor doesn’t say the simpler of two explanations is the more likely, nor does it say that the more popular, more widely believed, or easier to understand explanation is the more likely. It doesn’t even say that one explanation is necessarily more likely than two or more. All it says is that if one explanation can account for at least as much of the observed truth of a situation as two or more explanations, then it’s more likely that the one explanation is closer to the true explanation than the two or more explanations.[1]
~ Lawrence Afrin

The great thing about science is that it's true whether you believe in it or not.
~ Neil deGrasse Tyson
Coalescent Thinking For Chronic Treatment Failure
133 Dr. Lawrence Afrin - This CBJ/133 episode takes on the issue of the pervasive, yet often under-recognized, medical mystery of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, it's crippling, life-threatening effect, and it's absolute relevance in the evolution of understanding important immunity nuances of mind science. 

Ed Note: Yes, this is a republish [2] of the second most popular Episode download here at CBJ after more than a year of reports from more than 100 thought-provoking neuroscience consultants and patients. MCAS with Dr. Afrin bears repeating for our growing international list, with many new global listeners since then. We first published this piece in July '16 at CBJ/028. [It's second in total download numbers to Dr. Bill Walsh on Methylation at CBJ/025. We welcome our increasingly informed audience - note that these two apparently arcane topics present as the most frequent downloads.]

Dr. Afrin is charming, refreshingly articulate and passionate about his work as one of the leading authorities in the world [my perception, not his PR] on this exceedingly complex condition. You may not understand some of our conversation - as you will hear me also asking for clarifications - but this episode is an absolute must for anyone with a complex untreatable biomedical condition.

MCAS should be on everyone's radar. Listen up as MCAS effects and estimated 10% of the general population - and directly affects the brain, with both mood and cognition conditions. It's where the rubber often meets the rocky immunity road.
Report From The Front: Jennifer's Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Story 
Jennifer's story points to several clinical issues:
"Consider your life. - Now consider how your life might change if things like loud noise, heat, strong emotions or stress, odors or even being startled could cause you to have an allergic reaction. Imagine suffering allergic reactions so frequently that you prayed for just 30 seconds of real relief each day. Imagine dreading the next response, because it may bring vomiting and diarrhea, convulsions, unresponsiveness or even paralysis-like symptoms."
Jennifer Robin, first diagnosed with mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS)[2] in 2014, faced these challenges daily until she received treatment in 2015 from the University of Minnesota Health Hematologist/Oncologist Lawrence Afrin, MD, an internationally respected expert on MCAS.
'The disease can be a life-ruiner. I was unable to work, live independently, drive, have a social life—or have much of any life,