CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

131 Beyond ADHD – Metabolism Matters – Young

July 06, 2017

ADHD Connects With Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia

It is quality rather than quantity that matters.
~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca 5BC - 65AD

Dr. Joel Young - As the medical director and founder of the Rochester Center for Behavioral Medicine Dr. Young provides care to patients across the lifespan and travels the landscape beyond ADHD. He's opinionated about parallel biomedical, metabolic conditions that significantly impair ADHD/Executive Function recovery if not addressed comprehensively at the outset.

In addition, Dr. Young is responsible for all program development and oversees RCBM’s clinical staff of more than twenty practitioners. His primary clinical interest involves the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity through the life cycle, and Dr. Young also specializes in treatment-resistant depression.

He has researched and published on clinical issues regarding chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia and weighs in during our CBJ interview on these omnipresent clinical comorbidities with ADHD.
Brief Bio - Beyond ADHD
In addition to his patient care responsibilities, Dr. Young is Chief Medical Officer of the Clinical Trials Group at the Rochester Center for Behavioral Medicine.  Often the clinic participates in a number of national clinical trials, usually involving ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, or dementia.

Dr. Young oversees all treatment taking place at the Rochester Center for Behavioral Medicine. Dr. Young is also committed to the education of patients and mental health providers. He has given a multiplicity of lectures, locally and nationally regarding these specialties.

He is also Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Wayne State University School of Medicine.  Every year, WSU's family medicine residents complete their psychiatric rotations at RCBM.

In addition to clinical care, research, and teaching, Dr. Young also collaborates with the NFL and MLB to evaluate professional athletes in need of psychiatric assessment.

Dr. Young Reports: Beyond ADHD - With Chronic Metabolic Challenges

* My curiosity started in residency around the subject of Treatment Failure  
* I'm very interested in the natural history, the evolution of ADHD in a lifetime 
* The patient says: "I've been diagnosed with depression and antidepressants don't work"  [I completely agree with his point here.]
* So many appear in the office as Treatment Resistant Depression
* The default diagnosis for stress is depression without considering cognition
* Sponsor Notes: The Berry Robinson Center & Direct Health Access Laboratory 
* Addressing the issue of two medications with patients
* Treating ADHD does present specific treatable targets & measurable results
* Those with ADHD have difficulty managing the stimulus of pain
* I hope we will find that Chronic Pain and Fibro are stimulant responsive conditions
* Amphetamines and long-acting products prove more manageable over time


Previous CBJ Interviews - Multiple ADHD Topics

CBJ Teen Page - - Updated regularly
Dr. Andrew Farah - - Homocysteine Theory of Depression


Dr. Young's Website

* Rochester Center for Behavioral Medicine -


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