CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

129 Stress – Decisions and Parenting – Marshall

June 29, 2017

Stress, Self-Management, Parenting & Teaching
The art of influence is to get the person to do what you want them to do - because they want to do it.
~ Marvin Marshall
Dr. Marvin Marshall is an international speaker (25 countries on 5 continents), educator, and author of numerous articles published in international journals. He is one of America's leading experts on reducing the stress that is so prevalent in work relationships, schools, and homes. His many books include the multi-award winning, Parenting Without Stress: How to Raise Responsible Kids While Keeping a Life of Your Own, the landmark education book Discipline Without Stress - Punishments or Rewards: How Teachers and Parents Promote Responsibility & Learning, and his recently published, Live Without Stress: How to Enjoy the Journey. 

This interview reveals his effective, practical, mindful management tools that can create solutions at every level of stress in human interactions. Don't miss his interesting, practical relationship and negotiation insights.

Dr. Marshall Weighs In On These Points

* You cannot stop emotions; however, by changing your thinking you can redirect emotions and reduce stress.
* Learn how to avoid being a victim regarding any situation, stimulation, or urge.
* Self-talk creates your reality and has a direct bearing on your feelings and stress levels.
* Choice ends when life ends. You are constantly making choices—both consciously and non-consciously. Being mindful of choices significantly reduces stress.
* You can control other people but you cannot change anyone but yourself. Learn how to influence people so they will change themselves to do what you want them to do.
* Influencing rather than aiming to control is more effective and reduces stress levels.
* Discover how aiming at obedience and perfection are pathways to stress.
* Problems and challenges can be easily resolved with solving circles - managing the dialogue. Stress is a box encapsulated by too few options.


Dr. Marshall Reports: How To Negotiate Effectively

The classroom changed after 24 years
Eisenhower's example regarding coercion
Negative thinking creates negative actions 
The art of asking reflective questions
Silence after your question
I'm interested in responsible behavior not the person's feelings
Diagram of relationships [PDF] in parenting
Your assumptions color perceptions [Demming]
Sponsor Notes: The Berry Robinson Center & Direct Health Access Laboratory 
Schools, classrooms and rules
Kids need procedures and structures more than anything else
Anxiety is caused by negatives and results in stress
I get pleasure out of giving


Via @ClammrApp #ask the #question to change an #angry #disrespectful #cognitive pattern
— Dr.