CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

127 Brain Injury Resource Group – Bono

June 22, 2017

The Value of Community for Brain Injury
Jim Bono - From Minneapolis, MN - "As a brain injury survivor, you learn many things, and some you simply don’t understand. Then there are those topics that simply don’t make any sense at all and ya realize, that’s not my head - it just isn't working anyway. That model of misunderstanding and confusion is broken."

"So, welcome to BIRG, The Brain Injury Resource Group. We are the only formed, founded and staffed 501c3, truly non-profit focused on our global community around Acquired Brain Injury [ABI]. Simply said, survivor to survivor, caregiver to caregiver, medical community to medical community, legal field to legal field, social services and so on from Australia to Venezuela and all ports in between."
Connect with BIRG
In this episode, Jim points out the multiple values of joining this International Brain Injury Ressource community - for updates on neuroscience, resources for consultation, meaningful conversations with experienced colleagues and practitioners. It's easy, virtual, and a serious working-process contribution for those who feel alone with so many questions about their future treatment and recovery options.

Jim Bono Reports On The Value of Community

* Jim got started with brain injury in a Tennessee field
* Details on how and why BIRG matters
* The problem is that many sit alone, by themselves
* Over 80% of marriages with a TBI victim end in divorce
* The current models for recovery are all local, brick and mortar
* Ours is a 24x7 completely non-profit international support group
* Log in, no cost whatsoever, no sales ever
* Sponsor Notes: The Berry Robinson Center & Direct Health Access Laboratory 
* He continues to ride his motorcycle and stand up for fallen comrades in a number of ways

Brain Injury Resource Group Website

* Connect:
* Jim at LinkedIn


Our Best Single Supplement Recommendation For Brain Recovery

* Qualia - Our Most Recommended Nootropic | Brain Rehab Supplement
* Qualia Guide in PDF Download - How to use Qualia

Previous CBJ Interviews on Trauma, Stress, TBI, CTE, and Depression

* CBJ Veterans Page - - Over 20 Expert Episodes who weigh in on this same topic. Updated regularly - see the details on this page on neuroplasticity and hope.

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