CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

124 Insightful Intention Evolves Thinking – Tsipursky

June 13, 2017

Insightful Intention, Reality, and Truth - Rethinking Thinking
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on it's boots.
~ Johnathan Swift 1710
Gleb Tsipursky, Ph.D., from Columbus, OH, provides expertise in science-based decision-making and emotional and social intelligence through Insightful Intention to help leaders and organizations avoid disaster. He researches insightful intention as a tenure-track professor at The Ohio State University's Decision Sciences Collaborative and History Department.

Gleb also runs a nonprofit that popularizes science-based strategies for effective decision-making, goal achievement, emotional and social intelligence, meaning and purpose, mental and emotional well-being, and altruism in politics, business, and other life areas: Intentional Insights. He publishes articles on insightful intention in prominent venues and appears regularly as a guest expert on TV, radio, podcasts, and videocasts. An Amazon best-selling author, he is most well-known for Find Your Purpose Using Science, and his soon-to-be-published Pro-Truth Politics: Fighting Post-Truth Politics and Alternative Facts with Behavioral Science. 

His comments regarding truth in politics also encourage accuracy in the politics of mind diagnosis and treatment. Beliefs must embrace data.

Gleb's thought provoking insights refine the way your brain can grow improved coping through balanced self-management in the context of unpredictable change. How you think matters. Planning details matter.
Ed Note
Quite interestingly, Dr. Tsipursky elaborates on John Kennedy's theme from this just prior CBJ/123 interview. In one sentence: he also trains you how to think - same intention, different teaching process. Listen to his deeper thinking and applications with the perspective of Systems 2 processing to lead your work and your organization.
More About Insightful Intention - Decision Making In Mind Science
Essential reference: Thinking Fast And Slow by Kahneman - Global Amazon Link. Both of these interviews [CBJ/123 & 124] address interesting applications for advanced System 2 thinking for your personal development and for the evolution of mind science. Group-think and label-beliefs encourage more regressive and limited System 1, binary thinking. System 1 processes, as you will see in this summary from Wikipedia, are more stereotypical reactive with diminished prefrontal cortical, executive function process - no strategy or tactics. It's more than antique, it's primitive: complexity is out, feelings and beliefs are in.
Thinking Examples -Kahneman

* System 1: Immediate Survival - Absent insightful intention - Fast, automatic, frequent, emotional, stereotypic, subconscious, and most importantly, reductionistic and time-bound on the present [Korzybski]. Think: emotionally reactive, without thinking. Examples (in order of complexity) of things System 1 can do:

* see that an object is at a greater distance than another
* localize the source of a specific sound
* complete the phrase "war and ..."
* display disgust when seeing a gruesome image
* solve 2+2=?
* read a text on a billboard