CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

122 Kortex Virtual Reality Mind Tools – Roman

June 06, 2017

Virtual Reality & Fisher Wallace Labs
Kelly Roman is a New York City native and co-founder of Fisher Wallace Labs where he leads product development, regulatory affairs, marketing, Virtual Reality - VR - strategy, and eCommerce. Prior to Fisher Wallace, Kelly received his Bachelor's degree from Harvard and served as a marketing executive for the scientific journal Nature, Nielsen Media and a venture-backed software company. Kelly is considered a pioneer in the commercialization of non-invasive, virtual reality brain stimulation technology. Their Fisher-Wallace Kortex Virtual Reality Headset will set a new standard for anxiety, sleep, and stress treatments. Very interesting innovative mind-tool. Must listen.

The result of years of scientific and clinical validation, Kortex uses the same technology as their first generation wearable, the Fisher Wallace Stimulator, which is cleared by the FDA to treat anxiety, insomnia, and depression.

Ed Note: You will note Kortex is not out yet, however, does launch soon.
Virtual Reality Creates A Tool For Mind Balance
Kelly invented and is today in the process of launching Kortex, the first over the counter neurostimulation device designed for use with VR headsets. First, listen to our interview and then see the video below to further understand how, and why. Note on the second link below, at the Indiegogo ↓ site, multiple additional references for application insights.
Kelly's Kortex Virtual Reality Details Here  - CBJ/122

* About Kortex VR
* Studies with statistical significance show the value
* 2012 was the first study on bipolar treatment
* Two areas of neurostimulation focus: wellness and 'prescription'
* This kind of experience encourages compliance
* Interesting study using VR to treat depression
* Specific references to application for veterans
* FDA differences between Fisher Wallace Stimulator & Kortex
* A young male audience can use Kortex without feeling med stigma
* Addresses denial and stigma in veteran populations
* Differentiation between neurofeedback Alpha-Stim and Kortex

Brief Video Review 3:50 min


Download This Interesting PDF On Electrotherapy
Safety and Efficacy of Cranial Electrotherapy
Stimulation in Treatment of Bipolar II Depression
Download Here

Virtual Reality and Kortex

* Fisher Wallace Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulator
* Review Kortex At Indiegogo - The Launch Site
* Research Summary at Fisher Wallace
* A Pilot Study of Safety and Efficacy of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation in Treatment of Bipolar II Depression – Journal of Mental and Nervous Disease, 2015 - Download Up Here ↑
* Cerebrospinal Fluid And Plasma Neurochemicals Response To Cranial Electrical Stimulation. Shealy CN, Cady RK, Wilkie RG, et al., J Neurol Orthop Med Surg 1998;18:94-97.
* Safety and immediate effect of noninvasive transcranial pulsed current stimulation on gait and balance in Parkinson disease. Alon G, Yungher DA, Shulman LM, Rogers MW. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 2012 Nov-Dec;26(9):1089-95. Epub 2012 May 10. (PubMed link