CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

121 Homeopathy Insights For Trauma – Adalian

June 01, 2017

Homeopathy Provides Insights & Direct Assistance For Trauma
Elizabeth Adalian - is an internationally recognized practitioner of homeopathy from the UK with a particular interest in using specific homeopathic remedies to free the mind by work through certain kinds of past and present trauma. This different viewpoint adds opportunities for additional non-medical support and treatment considerations.

Working as a homeopath after the war in former Yugoslavia, Elizabeth determined that it's not so much what happens in life - however drastic that may be - but what pre-exists within that experience from the tender years of childhood when so much damage occurs. She explains here at this CBJ/121 interview how one's past informs our reactions to ongoing challenges in life and dictates the continuing status of our health.
Ed. Note: On Homeopathy
Her unusual homeopathic perspectives contribute a new, additional dimension to insightful reports from an evolved assemblage of neurodiversity experts here at CBJ. Noteworthy: she sounds almost psychoanalytic in orientation,  yet on the other hand uses treatment options beyond psychiatric medications with considerable success. Our mission here at CBJ: Informed options to democratize neuroscience options for an informed public globally.

Yes, this system of homeopathic intervention may at first challenge set beliefs, and appear controversial, but nevertheless, it matches with our mission criteria here at CBJ: Informed options to democratize neuroscience options for an informed public globally. Group-think and label-beliefs encourage more regressive and limited System 1, binary thinking.
Her Homeopathy | Trauma Practice Beyond London
Elizabeth is the author of recently released book – Touching Base with Trauma. Reaching Across the Generations: A Three-Dimensional Homeopathic Perspective based on her work as a homeopath in former war zones. While practicing homeopathy for over 30 years, she also worked in 10 different countries as well as her main practice base in London. During these years she also taught specifics on trauma treatment strategies in many of these countries as well as in the UK. Listen as she documents her activities in the Middle East following invitations based upon her previously successful treatment activities.
Elizabeth Adalian On Homeopathy for Trauma - CBJ/121

* The origins of homeopathy - Hahnemann
* I discovered in former war zones the relevance of childhood experience
* An example of a patient in London from Croatia
* Notes on homeopathic "remedies"
* Recovery differences based upon hatred and duality perspectives
* The mindset in very wealthy states
* My research around the Holocaust and survivor guilt
* Cultural differences in London itself
* I don't like labels
* The relevance of homeopathy for traumatic brain injury

Register: Elizabeth's Book Drawing Opportunity Closes June 16, '17
Touching Base With Trauma, Reaching Across Generations
Register Here

Homeopathy | Adalian Connections & Notes

* Adalian, Elizabeth, Touching Base with Trauma. Reaching Across the Generations: A Three-Dimensional Homeopathic Perspective, 2017
* Doidge, Norman (2017), The Brain That Changes Itself, Viking Penguin Publishers.
* Fernyhough, Charles (2012),