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CoreBrain Journal

120 Yoga, Science and Mind – Perlmutter

May 30, 2017

Yoga - A Bridge For The Mind & Body
We see what we know.
~ Leonard Perlmutter
Leonard Perlmutter is one of the Western world’s leading pioneers in the introduction of yoga and meditation into the cultural firmament, having founded the American Meditation Institute (AMI) in 1996.

AMI’s yoga and meditation courses are now approved and accredited by the American Medical Association and the American Nurses Association for continuing education credits. Perlmutter is considered one of West’s foremost guides to understanding the nature of consciousness, now offers a heralded book, The Heart and Science of Yoga, - an encyclopedic guide to meditation and the Yoga Science that lies behind it.
Solid Mind Evidence
Today, the medical evidence is everywhere that Yoga and meditation improve health, mental acuity, emotional balance and spiritual connection.

Praised by such international medical luminaries as Drs. Dean Ornish, Mehmet Oz, Bernie Siegel and Larry Dossey, Leonard provides actionable insight for why and how yoga practice heals. The Heart and Science of Yoga show us the way to meld meditation and yoga into your working life experience to bring a new level of peace, contentment, and well-being.
Yoga: An Ancient Practice
While most North Americans today perceive Yoga as a valuable source of exercise and quieting of the mind Leonard shows us that yoga practice is much more.

As it evolved through ancient wisdom, Yoga Science is an eight-step method for managing the life force energy that propels us and connects us to the infinite power that is within and without us all. And the result of mastering it is the bliss and daily joy that lies in the realization of our connection.

You will relax just listening to Leonard talk about his practice, his larger mission, and his experience with Swami Rama in India.  

Yoga Teaching Experience
Meditation master Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev) has taught on the faculties of the New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine, the Himalayan Yoga Teachers Association and the College of Saint Rose. He is a disciple of holistic health pioneer Swami Rama of the Himalayas, the Yoga scientist who, in laboratory conditions at the Menninger Institute, demonstrated that he could voluntarily control blood pressure, heart rate, and the autonomic nervous system. Leonard has presented courses at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, the Albany Medical College, the Commonwealth Club of California, The New York Times Yoga Forum with Dean Ornish, MD, and with the United States Military Academy at West Point.
Leonard Perlmutter On Yoga Mind - CBJ/120

* Yoga misunderstood - yoga science goes far beyond postures alone
* Start: Basic yoga science experiment on Parker  & Listeners here:
* The Basic Difference between Eastern and Western philosophy  
* Notes on the 4 Functions of the Mind 
* *My perceptions are altered by my conception
* *We see what we know - umpires discuss the strike zone 
* Yoga Science introduces us to the fourth function of the mind
* Thinking is overrated
* Leonard's personal search for meaning
* Contact and experience with Swami Rama
* The value of a mantra

Dr. Perlmutter's Bonu PDF Download
Yoga Science Teaches Us How to Transform Energy
Download Here

Perlmutter Connections & Notes

* AMI -
* Physician CME Accredited Courses: