CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

118 Why Use Neuropsychology Measures – Braun

May 23, 2017

Neuropsychology - Improved Brain Testing Details
Dr. Michelle Braun is a Yale and Harvard-trained board-certified neuropsychologist and brain health expert from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. So many found her first interview here at CBJ/107 on Brain Health & Alzheimer's helpful we asked her back to address differences in psychological testing regarding the specifics of evolved Neuropsychology. Here she details how neuropsychological testing offers additional benefits for improved brain and biomedical diagnosis. Revised targets provide more treatment accuracy.

Two words describe Dr. Braun's interviews here at CBJ: Credibility and Authenticity. Listen up.

She is passionate about defining clear brain and mind objectives and appears on PBS, Fox TV, radio, and in various print media. Dr. Braun previously served as the Assistant Director of Inpatient Mental Health at the Boston VA Hospital and Instructor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

Dr. Braun's Neuropsychology & Brain Health Activities
Dr. Braun is passionate about empowering individuals to boost brain health and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s through the use of science-backed, motivational strategies. Her mission was sparked as a teenager when she witnessed the many challenges faced by older adults with memory problems.

Inspired to improve the brain health,  with improved care and quality of life for those with memory problems, she pursued a career as a neuropsychologist specializing in memory and cognition, geriatric psychology, motivational enhancement, and brain health.
Her Neuropsychological Experience: Exemplary
Dr. Braun has work to promote brain health for ten years as a clinical neuropsychologist in departments of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuropsychology, and Psychiatry in the some of the best hospitals with talented medical training faculties. She serves on the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, where she chairs the Practice and Public Policy Committee. In addition, she also acts as an Examiner for the American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology and is a previous board member of the Wisconsin Psychological Association.
Neuropsychology Awards
Dr. Braun is a '40 Under 40' award winner - awarded by the Milwaukee Business Journal in 2013. She was also thrilled to receive the Practitioner of the Year Award from the Alzheimer’s Association, the Runkel Award in Psychology from Carroll University, and the Early Career Award from the Milwaukee Area Psychological Association, among many others. Dr. Braun is a strong proponent of testing for brain challenges from TBI, to CTE, to ADD using advanced neuropsychology testing protocols.

Most importantly, as our listeners appreciate, she shares deep clinical understandings packaged with useful, practical, neuropsychological insights for your applications globally. I always enjoy learning on many levels from Dr. Braun - she's engaging smart and quick with solutions.
Dr. Braun Reports: Neuropsychology Solutions - CBJ/118

* I started out as an undergrad in cello performance
* A [mis]perception that neuropsychology falls on the psychiatry side of the house
* A core misunderstanding about brain imaging in contrast to neuropsychology
* Neuropsychology helps evaluate cognitive challenges for both diagnosis and prognosis
* We can determine if responses are artifact, malingering, or valid
* We can discover the actual cause, even metabolic, of the brain issues
* Clarifying hydrocephalus
* Finding the right neuropsychologist for you
* Neuropsychology for children and those suffering from autism
* Notes on the Reality of Time
* Metabolic challenges and positive neuropsychology for medical profe...