CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

117 Nutrition Details Prevent Chronic Illness – Fuhrman

May 18, 2017

Use The Science of  Nutrition To Correct Chronic Illness
Joel Fuhrman, M.D, from Flemington, NJ, is a board-certified family physician, six-time New York Times best-selling author and internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing, who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional methods. Dr. Fuhrman coined the term “Nutritarian” to describe his eating style, which describes in detail a diet of nutrient-dense, plant-rich foods. His work clearly explains the latest science for applied nutrition-in-action.

For over 25 years, Dr. Fuhrman has shown that it is possible to achieve sustainable weight loss and reverse heart disease, diabetes, cancer and many other chronic illnesses using smart nutrition. In his medical practice, and through his multiple books and television specials, he continues to bring this life-saving message to hundreds of thousands of people around the world.
Key Point
As noted, Dr. Fuhrman created the Nutritarian diet, an eating plan that incorporates the latest advances in nutritional science. At the center of the Nutritarian Diet is the simple health equation, H=N/C. This equation expresses the concept that you can predict your health (H) by your nutrient intake (N) divided by your calorie intake (C).  His ANDI Scoring System (featured in Whole Foods Market), which measures the relative nutrient density of conventional foods, provides millions of consumers with specific instructions on how to eat an anti-cancer diet-style.

Put Dr. Fuhrman on your reading list - here's why.

Dr. Fuhrman Reports: Nutrition at the Street Level- Here at CBJ/117

* Now we can tell people about nutrition with scientific integrity
* We can probably wipe out 90% of common cancers with responsible nutrition
* I'm not philosophical based, my researched opinions are scientifically based 
* With long, effective studies we come up with three essential conclusions
* Natural plant foods deliver far more nutrients, examples strawberries and broccoli
* You can't reverse these conditions with drugs effectively
* The reliance on medications alone does not allow modern science to intervene appropriately 
* Illness with both an acute and chronic presentation - diabetes
* Immunity, IgG, issues arise as part of the complexity of nutrient effectiveness
* About the different types of animal protein
* Bad fat and the ratio of increased omega 6 to omega 3 can shrink the brain
* Heart disease is a disease that doesn't have to happen
* The debate about exercise and/or diet as a means to prevent Alzheimer's 
* We know that a high-sugar diet causes loss of intelligence in children
* He recommends these books ↓ for each specific demographic
* Children who eat one serving of french fries a week have a 27% increase in breast cancer as an adult 


Dr. Fuhrman's Bonus Drawing: A Digital Detox Program - Closes  May 2, '17
10 in 20: Dr. Fuhrman’s Lose 10 Pounds in 20 Days Detox Program 
Drawing Register Here

Website & References

* Dr. Fuhrman's Website: - Abundant additional information
* Eat To Live - Fuhrman - '11 Global Amazon Link - Start here.
* The End of Diabetes: The Eat To Live Plan -'12 Global Amazon Link - For Any Chronic Illness