CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

116 Suicide, Brain Injury & Recovery – Hampton

May 16, 2017

Recovery From Suicide, Brain Injury, Depression and Anxiety
Debbie Hampton - recovered from decades of lost, unhealthy thinking and depression, then a suicide attempt with resulting brain injury to become an inspirational and educational writer on the many brain, psychological, emotional, and mental health issues for Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, and more. In this CBJ/116 episode, Debbie discusses specific, practical interventions she used to overcome dementia, practice techniques directed to brain neuroplasticity, and her improved nutrition program.

She's passionate about the biology of brain recovery and multiple options now available with evolving science.  
Debbie Builds Brain Bridges Out of the Fog
On her website, The Best Brain Possible, Debbie shares how she rebuilt her brain and life to find joy and thrive. She wants you to know that you can do it too. You can quickly learn the steps to a better you in her book, Beat Depression and Anxiety by Changing Your Brain, with simple practices easy to implement in your daily life.

Improve your brain, improve your life. Debbie gets personal on her troubles by providing fresh recovery perspectives with new targets, new objectives.
Listen To Her Specific Insights

* The brain injury was a result of my suicide attempt
* I read the book by Norman Doidge ↓, and it changed my mind
* Here is a recipe for changing your brain on a biological level
* You can create conditions to encourage neuroplastic change
* Notes on the best type of exercise
* When I first started, I couldn't balance on one leg
* If you just say 'drugs are bad,' you won't know
* Too often you won't get options from doctors
* Notes on HBOT - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
* Neurofeedback from the client's perspective


* Beat Depression and Anxiety by Changing Your Brain, - Hampton - Global Amazon Link
* Her educational second book, - a memoir, Sex, Suicide, and Serotonin: How These Thing Almost Killed and Healed Me. - Global Amazon Link
* Neuroplasticity Reference: The Brain That Changes Itself - by Doidge, Norman - '07 Global Amazon Link

Debbie Connections & References

* Debbie's Facebook page
* Website:
* Her Best Five Books::


Complimentary 116 Hampton's Helpful PDF Download:
How To Better Your Brain And Life
- Download Here -

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