CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

115 Methylation And Molecular Details Matter – Walsh

May 11, 2017

Walsh, Measures, Nutrients & The Molecular Brain - 2
More than two-thirds [66%!] of persons diagnosed with a behavior or mental disorder exhibit a measurable methylation imbalance. A person’s methyl status is established during the first few months of in-utero development and this condition tends to persist throughout life.
~ William Walsh
Dr. Bill Walsh - Now, more than one year from our first CBJ Episode launch in April '16, it's actually ten months ago from our first Nutrient Power interview with Dr. Walsh. Our team thinks this foundational methylation interview bears repeating. Do forward it to your colleagues, the links here in these show notes offer additional resources that take the molecular mind discussion to even deeper, more interesting, more actionable destinations.
Why Send Out A Methylation Replay?
While we won't share replays often, this meeting with Dr. Bill Walsh sets a standard here at CBJ, a big record. Today, with thousands of downloads in 91 [updated] counties, Bill sets our record with this methylation interview for total Episode downloads - an important landmark regarding a significant shift in public interest for the growing molecular wisdom with measured applications for improved mind science.

Details and data are in, guesswork is out.
Our Laboratory Measurement Partner - Direct Health Access
Global curiosity for understanding these essential measures of synaptic molecular physiology today set new maps to address the complexity of treatment failure on multiple levels. In addition, our new CBJ Sponsor/Partner, Direct Health Access Laboratory has served for years as our respected laboratory resource to measure that collection of metabolic variables for our direct clinical work. With an international focus and over three million testing reviews, they provide reliable data - almost anywhere. My articulate colleague in Nigeria will soon weigh in here at CBJ on the evolution of testing and mind-science there.

To change your mind, details matter. And thanks, DHA Lab for your support and partnership with our CBJ efforts for more informed care, globally.

Next steps require an informed team to successfully navigate this challenging Path.
Our Walsh History And More CBJ Episode Resources

* Methylation - CBJ/025 - First published  June, '16, '17, and updated here
* Copper & Kryptopyrrole - CBJ/034 | Update CBJ/137
* Schizophrenia & Bipolar - CBJ/042
* Walsh on The End of Autism - CBJ/141
* Walsh Neuroscience Presentation on Bipolar At American Psychiatric Association. [Added 5-20-18]

Methylation Overview: Two-Thirds, 66%, Is A Remarkable Number

Molecular measures change the rules of the diagnostic and treatment game. Why? Improved target recognition for contributory molecular mind variables offers increased precision and more predictable outcomes.  It's a terrific honor for me, and for our serious team at CoreBrain Journal, to welcome Dr. Walsh for this second/replay in this special series of three one-hour CBJ indispensable interviews.
Why one hour?
Because Bill's message is important for many reasons:

* Fresh, Relevant Data in a rapidly rising sea of excellent