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CoreBrain Journal

106 ADHD Parenting Evolves Strategy Matters – Goldrich

April 11, 2017

ADHD Parenting Evolves
Cindy Goldrich, Roslyn Hts., NY - provides ADHD Parenting skills as a Coach and Teacher Trainer. She creates a calm, more compliant environment, establishes realistic rules and expectations, reduces homework stress, and improves problem-solving, and self-advocacy skills.

She also provides education and support so kids can Thrive, not just Survive. Listen in to her comments on parenting and on her opinions and experiences with training teachers for classroom understanding and strategies.

Cindy's Overview
"Your children don’t mean to frustrate you.  They don’t want to make life so challenging and arduous for you – or themselves! Having a child with ADHD can bring chaos and stress into any home.  Although children with ADHD can often appear lazy, unmotivated or manipulative, when you dig deeper you will find this is often not the case."
The Truth About ADHD/Executive Function
"Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or ADD) is a neurobiological condition that brings with it many challenges beyond the simplistic diagnosis of Hyperactivity, Impulsivity, and Inattentiveness.  Just as some children have trouble learning how to read, children with ADHD often have trouble tolerating frustration, being flexible, and solving their problems independently.  Like learning to read, these are skills your child needs to learn and develop from the outset."
Cindy Reports: Solutions Here at CBJ/106

* After parents, the teachers themselves need to know
* The teachers welcome our constructive insights
* Specifics of how I help teachers
* My approach includes both individual and pattern recognition
* Learning the basics
* A coaching example: Henry hit the wall
* Denial creeps in if you can't "see" the problem
* We're treating the invisible

Book, Website, and References

* 8 Keys to Parenting Children with ADHD by Cindy Goldrich - Global Amazon Link
Website: - Multiple links for parents & teachers
Procrastination and Self-Regulatory Failure: An Introduction to the Special Issue, Pychyl, T.A. & Flett, G.L. J Rat-Emo Cognitive-Behav Ther (2012) 30: 203-212
The Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD by John F. Taylor Ph.D. - Global Amazon Link
My FaceBook Live Presentation: The Adolescent Impulsive Brain ~ 1 hr

Cindy's Webinars

* At ADDitude Magazine: Ready, Set, Work: Help Students Fight Procrastination and Get to Work
* At ADDitude Magazine: How Mindset Impacts Learning
* Podcast: Faster Than Normal: FTN 044: Pills Don't Teach Skills, with Cindy Goldrich

Cindy's Book Giveaway Drawing: Closes 4-26-17
8 Keys To Parenting Children With ADHD
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