Copper Shock Horror

Copper Shock Horror

The Urban Legend of Aren’t You Glad?

May 13, 2017

Aren’t you Glad you Didn’t Turn On The Lights? I love this urban legend. We always hear urban legends from a he-told-me to thats-what-i-heard-from-so-and-so. Copper Shock wanted to take them and express them as though they were living through them in description. I hope you enjoy it.


How much blood could actually be in a person, when it’s all spilled and spread out, it’s quite incredible. Difficult to control as it just seems to get on everything even if you didn’t think you’ve touched it. It was now dry on parts of me. They’d already taken away the knife. Police were there, and I was in handcuffs letting them take my statement until I was no longer a suspect.

“A lot of people in this hall would hear you two arguing. Even pranking one another.”

“Dousing my hair in paint while I was passed out drunk was not a cute prank. Allie was just mean.”

“Heck of a thing to still say when he’s lying stiff 15 feet that way.” He pointed over to the body being loaded into a white van. The second cop spoke up.

“We just want to understand, if you didn’t then who?”

“This person!” I pointed at my phone they held in an evidence bag in one of the officers’ hands.

“Start again.” The officer said. This time don’t skip any details. Everything exactly as it happened.”

I sighed and thought back to the night before….

I could hear the tick tick tick of the library master clock. Closing would be soon and I’d have to give up on the idea of studying further for my exam. Biology is my least favorite. For those who love it, kudos. For Me? It just doesn’t stick. I read the same page over and over again for the third time before I sighed and shut my textbook. I looked up at the clock, and it was 11 PM. Good enough for me, I’ll pick it back up in the morning.

I hitched my backpack high on my shoulder and walked out of the campus library. It was a calm night, toward the end of the spring semester so actual spring was starting to make its appearances in the local school gardens. I turned onto my street, at the end of it sat my building. I warmed my hands together before tugging open the swinging metal door. Bounding up the carpeted stairs I reached my dorm room floor. I did notice how quiet it was. listening to my tennis shoes pat pat pat on the cheap dorm carpet. I got out my keys and opened my door. I reached over and flipped on my bedroom light.

Allie was in bed she turned over and gave me a scathing look.
“Turn off the light! How would you like it if I just woke you up in the middle of the night? You’re such a jerk. Turn it off.”
Yes, well… that was Allie. She was no picnic to room with, she’d have boys over late at night while I tried to sleep. She’d snicker and claim it was the weekend and I should relax, despite having work the next day. She also had a propensity to just drop her Ipad on the floor, loudly, when she was done before going to sleep. I flipped the light off and got out my phone to navigate my way around her piles of clothing she left everywhere on the floor.
“I”m sorry Allie, I didn’t think about it.”
“Of course you didn’t think about it.” Allie bit back, and then pulled her blankets over his head. I grunted and tucked myself into bed not bothering to change into pajamas. I drifted off to sleep running scenarios of questions through my head of what might be on my exam the next day. The quiet hum of my room was about to overtake me into sleep. I liked making the room pitch black, Alex used to sleep with a nightlight, but she quickly lost that battle with me.


I heard a thunk noise and what I thought was our closet door shutting. I pulled my phone close to my face. It was 2:46 AM? Closing my eyes again, I tucked my phone under my pillow.