Copper Shock Horror

Copper Shock Horror

The Fear of Being Stalked from “Mr Blue”

August 28, 2016

Secret admirers aren’t so exciting when they reveal what secret they’ve kept all along.
Secret admirers aren’t so exciting when they reveal what secret they’ve kept all along. This episode is an adaptation of a Reddit post. Link in the description. This story is told from the perspective of a male.
Episode 19: Mr. Blue

I’m Tasha Wheelhouse, and this is Coppershock.

Chrissy and I sat in the cafeteria lounge at our university. The clanking of table chairs and groups of people between classes hummed about us. Chrissy was eating her pasta lunch and pushing the food around. Something was bothering her. Chrissy was a well-liked girl, but oddly shy. She only liked to confide in me, I was mad about her but I also knew I was very much “friendzoned”.
“Who do you think wrote this?” She held out a piece of paper that was folded over multiple times to be no bigger than a small index card was placed in my hand. I unfolded it, and raised an eyebrow while reading it. It read the following:
“Chriselle, You’re my sunshine. With my love, Mr. Blue.”
I looked up at her and smiled. “Someone is madly in love with you clearly.” I handed her the note back. She flicked my shoulder with her finger and gave me a sharp look. I put my sandwich back down. The concern on her face told me that she wasn’t as comfortable with this note.
“Honestly Greg, this is weirding me out. How do they know my full name?” I shrugged at her.
“It could be someone from class, who knows, besides it’s a love letter. Appreciate it.” Chrissy nodded and sighed. She stuffed it back in her book bag and we continued to finish our lunch.
Some days passed and I was in the middle of reading notes for class when my phone dinged. I looked at the screen to see “CHRISSY-ELLA” in bold text. A nickname of hers I’d call her sometimes. I unlocked my phone to see an urgent text asking me to meet her at the coffee shop two blocks from my apartment. Once there I waited patiently sipping my coffee and browsing my phone, when the chair across the table from me slid out and Chrissy plopped down into it. Her face was white.
“Remember that note?” She asked me eagerly.
Just as I spoke the word “Sure.” Chriss dumped a handful of folded notes onto the tiny coffee table.
“They’re all from the last few days.” She breathed. “I got one just now wedged into my apartment front door. It sort of pushed it too far.” I picked up one of the notes from the pile before me. I unfolded it. The handwriting looked familiar to me.
“Chriselle, Your hair in curls is so beautiful. I wish I could tangle them in my fingers. With love, Mr. Blue.”
“Chriselle, The smile you have on your face when you leave your house in the morning is the best way to start my day. With love, Mr. Blue.”
“Chriselle, I love the way your figure looks running around the gym track. With love, Mr. Blue.”
The fourth one said “Chriselle, You look attractive in green. With love Mr. Blue.” I looked up at Chrissy’s green sundress.
“Was it this the one from today?” I asked.
“Yes, this is really starting to creep me out… and… there’s more.”
I looked at her interested.
“I did laundry and hung it out to dry outside my window because the complex dryers are busted. Some of my underwear went missing.”
I started to smile. “Chrissy it could have fallen down and blown away, you know how you make thing a way bigger deal than what they actually are?”
“Was some guy walking around the outside of my window last night blowing things out of proportion for you too?”
“Chrissy! You live on the first floor next to the parking lot… so yeah? Chrissy, come on… what do you want to do? Go to the police?”
She deflated into her chair. “No, you’re right. I don’t have evidence. And I mean, if you look at these notes one at a time they don’t even seem that threatening. But i’m really starting to dislike whoever is le...