Copper Shock Horror

Copper Shock Horror

The Cohoke Ghost Light in Virginia

August 21, 2016

When a group of college kids decide to dare one another to go visit the local haunted train tracks, what lurks there waiting for them offers so much more than what they bargained for.
Today’s story was submitted by subscriber Carl Schaible from Murray Utah. This story is told from the perspective of a male. The music contained within this episode had been through a collaboration with composer ‘Mi-oo’ his inforamtion is available on under featured artists. The music within this episode is available for purchase on Itunes.

I’m Tasha Wheelhouse and this is CopperShock.


I can’t be sure of what I saw, all I know is something out there in the wood deceived me and I almost killed Brock. Back in college I had a group of friends that would get together on the weekends for a few beers to hang out, shoot the wind, and talk about our week. We sat on their porch feeling the humid air pleasantly rest on our skin, and listening to the  crickets. I leaned back into the porch post, and heard it slightly creak. As I took a sip of my beer Kevin said aloud to the group.

“You guys ever go to the haunted train tracks?” I looked him over and he had a big grin on his face.
“Are you talking about that one ghost story with the guy who.. Umm…” Becky then raised one hand and made a chop motion into her neck.
“That’s the one!” Kevin said pointing his beer bottle toward her.
“Tell me about it.” I called over to him. The rest of the group seemed interested in hearing the story too. There were only about 7 of us. Three guys, four girls.

“Story goes like this.” Kevin sat up and leaned forward for dramatic effect. “Along this railroad track back in the 1880’s, a train had having trouble with one of the hitches tugging at the engine weird as they moved. They decided to come to a full stop to see exactly what was going on. The engineer stayed put, but one of the conductors was sent to inspect it. Turns out, some of the chains weren’t hooked up right and jumbled around in a big knot. So it would stretch and pull the car forward as it moved. The hitch itself wasn’t even done right, or hooked up at all. So the conductor starts getting the heavy chains untangled before he could hook up the hitch again. But, something went wrong. The Engineer later at the trial said he swore up and down he saw the conductor leave the gap between the two cars. Give him the A-ok sign with his right hand and ust before he stepped on the train, he had a malevolent smirk as though he’d just achieved something. But as the engineer starts the steam engine again, the front cars inch forward. Then he hears a garbled scream, followed by silence and an audible crack sound. He turns back to see the cars aren’t connected and he’s spreading the gap more.The engineer now hops down from the engine to walk back to the two cars. Lying on the ground staring up at him with wide open eye’s and a gapped mouth, the severed head of the conductor nestled in between two rail rungs. Blood coated the chains, and spilled like thick black milk over the metal track. Gushing from the conductors neck and body. The trial pieced together what they think happened. The tangled mess of chains somehow got around the conductors neck, and when the engineer started to pull forward…..Decapitated him.” Kevin leaned back. The rest of us were mortified, captivated and dumbfounded.

“Who was it he saw go back into the train?” Becky asked.
“Don’t know, but they never found that guy he said he saw. The engineer was thrown in jail for involuntary manslaughter.” Kevin gave a small burp which he covered with the back of his hand.

“So what is it that makes it haunted?” I asked.
“I think we should go out and see.” I heard Brock chuckle. Kevin’s smile gets wider.
“Are all you guys in?!” He points around to the group of us.