Copper Shock Horror

Copper Shock Horror

Caveat Emptor: Mr. Pendleton (Part 4/5)

August 05, 2016

Nick listens at the door as the local sheriff tells his mother the true events of what happened in that home.
This is the fourth installment of the Caveat Emptor Series. This story is told from the perspective of a male. All names have been changed to protect their identity. Caution, This section of the story includes gun violence, sexuality, alcohol, and abusive scenarios. Please skip to part 5 if any of these subjects are objectionable.
Part Four: Mr Pendleton
I’m Tasha Wheelhouse and this is Coppershock.
“They had a terrible time selling this place after all that tragedy. Aren’t they supposed to disclose this kind of stuff when you buy a house?” The Sheriff asked my mom.
“Well, we don’t own it. Yet. We’re renting for the first year with an option to buy after 12 months.”
“Renting? Well, buyer beware I guess. Mr. Pendleton was a farmer. Built a lot of these rooms himself. Kristin had just divorced him, and left him in a terrible way.  After that he started frequenting the nightlife locations downtown.”
“Jim! Another whiskey.” Mr Pendleton tapped the bar counter in front of him. “Get on girl!” Mr Pendleton yelled up at the front of the strip club stage. A sallow woman in her mid 30’s was slowing tilting her hips back and forth while raising her arms above her head. The music in the room pulsed and bumped. The speakers in this bar had blown out in old age and New Mexico dust. But when the lights come on, drink goes in, and ladies of the night come out. A howling street cat could sing a good strip number, if only it had a good baseline to sing along with.
“Dip it low!” another man shouted from the other side and started to laugh heartily from the bottom of his belly. Mr Pendleton smiled, and kicked back another shot of whiskey, it burned all the way down. A hand traced over his shoulder and rested a slim arm with bright blue painted fingernails.
“What are you doing tonight?”
“Going home I guess.” He said looking the woman up and down. Her blue fingernails started to play with the back of his neck.
“Not if I don’t have to.” Mr Pendleton smirked turning to face her all the way, the bar stool creaking under his weight.  She laughed and ran her fingers through her blonde crimped hair.
Mr Pendleton nodded.
“Sounds fair.. Miss…”
“Brandy.” She held out her hand and shook Mr Pendletons.
“Alright then.” Mr Pendleton slapped a 20$ bill onto the bar counter. He stood up and followed Brandy out the door.
Later in the evening, after ‘activities’ had come to a close, Brandy had re-dressed, then grabbed the handle for the exit.
“Do you do repeat customers?” Mr Pendleton called after her.
“What did you exactly have in mind?”
“Tuesday night. Come back here.”
Brandy nodded and left. Mr Pendleton went out to the back porch to take a smoke. He breathed the cigarette in deeply, feeling the warmth and thickness fill his lungs. He let it hug him from the inside out. Letting his breath go, he watched the smoke as it dissipated into the desert wind.
On Tuesday Brandy returned. Mr Pendleton smiled opening the door looking her up and down.
“I got something for you tonight.” He said.
“Something new?” She smiled.
“Something borrowed.” He said. Brandy followed Mr Pendleton to his bedroom. He then gestured to his bed. An ugly green dress laid out in care.
“I want you to wear that tonight.” Brandy held it up pinching it between two fingers. She then looked to Mr Pendleton. He was dead serious. She shrugged.
“If this nunnery frock get’s your motor going who am I to argue.” She sighed and pulled the dress over her head. Mr Pendleton took a moment looking her over and then the biggest grin rose on his face.
“You look like a dream.”
Brandy did a flirty twirl in her dress then walked up to Mr Pendleton.