Coolsmartphone Podcast

Coolsmartphone Podcast

The Coolsmartphone Podcast - Episode 80

February 14, 2014

Episode 80 of our podcast marks my return. Yes I’m back from my skiing trip and we’ve even managed to get ourselves a special guest this week.

Joining me this week were Ian Furlong, Ronnie Whelan and Steve Litchfield (from All About Windows Phone).

The topics this week were quite varied as there was a lot of things to talk about. The main topics were

  • The expanding Nokia Lumia range.
  • The fabled Nokia Lumia Icon.
  • How Steve got into the mobile tech world.
  • The upcoming duo of Galaxy S5 handsets.
  • How well the Nokia Lumia 1020 coped on my holiday.
  • Steves hopes and dreams.
  • Ian not buying anything again.
  • Ronnie possibly selling the Oppo N1.
  • Some other random stuff.

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The Coolsmartphone Podcast – Episode 80 is original content from