Company of One with Dale Callahan

Company of One with Dale Callahan

150: How to Continue to Grow Your Career as an Engineer [Podcast]

November 12, 2019

You should want to grow your career. Right? It just makes sense?

But wanting to grow your career is not enough - you have to work at it.

Once we start our engineering career (or any career for that matter), we get busy. Work and life take over, and we are so tied up in just keeping up that we forget we need to keep growing. 

Last week we hit on the subject of WHY you need to grow your career.  

This week we want to dive into some of the HOWs.

How do you grow your career continually and intentionally?
How to Continue to Grow Your Career as an Engineer (Podcast Outline)

Develop a Mindset of Growth

Enjoy the game of growth - always explore.
Be curious.
Be OK with change - it is going to change anyway.
Do not be afraid of breaking things.

Learn from successful people/companies

Pay attention to the competition.
Pay attention to innovations - LinkedIn videos, conferences, things you hear that you might discount as being irrelevant.
Think strategically. 
“Skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.” (Wayne Gretzky credited quote).

But practically, how?

Weekly thinking time - stop for one hour and think.

Quote from Zuma Founder Alex Garden as written in Measure What Matters  "...early in your career ... you're graded on the volume and quality of your work. ... Now you're no longer paid for the amount of work you do; you're paid for the quality of decisions you make."
Do this.

Getaway for 1 hour.
Pad of paper.
Just think about what you are doing.
Think about where it is going.
Be quiet and think. No real agenda write down notes and thoughts.
Last 15 minutes wrap up - anything you need to do? 

Establish quarterly reviews.

Set goals - Rocks, Objectives, and Key Results (OKR), otherwise  - at a time to reflect.
Do not be scared of spending hours or all day here. Worth it!
Do this.

Weekly thinking time -but spend more time.
Review what you have read lately. What stood out that you might have forgotten.
Review your big goals - where are you. Evaluate.
Create some ROCKS or OKR for next quarter (keep to less than 10!).
Close up the time.

Create a reading list for the next quarter.
Where do you need to be - conferences, groups, workshops.
What do you need to work on and learn? Where can you learn it? 


Annual reviews


Where you want to live?
What conversations you had are playing back in your mind?
What do you want for the next five years to look like?

Think company retreats to rethink.
Involve your spouse!
Create next quarters goals or rocks.

Click here to listen now.