Content Matterz

Content Matterz

Create Content Around Your Passion For Your Business

March 03, 2020

Creativity helps you in the nuances of the business world. In this Content Matterz episode, Eric Kasimov discusses why he started his passionate content platform, SportsEpreneur. Eric enjoys talking about both sports and business. This podcast episode is about why you should create content around your passion to help your business grow. 
By creating content around what you love, you get to both have fun and use this content strategically to help your brand.
If you think about your interests and how you can create content on those topics you may just find it aligns with the company you lead, the division you head up, or the self-betterment path you are on.
What you talk about doesn’t have to exactly tie into the product or service you provide. It might and it might not. This is where strategy and attention come in. What’s the strategy and what attention do you seek.
Often the attention is about connecting with people you want to learn from or people you want to teach. Either way, content is the answer. Creativity is the first step. Create content around your passion and interests. It works.
And yes, you should consider creating content for your personal brand and business.
Whatever story you want to tell, we want to help you tell it. From ideas and strategies to meshing it with your brand, KazCM is your storytelling team.
Create or build your content platform. Contact us today to learn more about our content creation services. 
Useful links from this episode:

* KazCM
* KazSource
* SportsEpreneur

Connect with us:

Eric Kasimov: Twitter, LinkedIn

Wrap Up:

Thank you so much for listening to this podcast episode, “Create Content Around Your Passion to Help Your Business” #ContentMatterz.
This podcast episode of Content Matterz exists because of KazCM. The content creation company inside KazSource. It’s all about the content. Content creation, content usage, and content distribution. Why? Because we love helping entrepreneurs create and share amazing content!