Consumed Student Ministries' Podcast
Latest Episodes
The RECKLESS Ones. Part 2
Listen as we conclude our "RECKLESS Ones" series with Steven Frank bringing the word on Paul and Silas!!! *Please excuse the audio issues with the recording. We're working to get them fixed.
Stuff Christians Do. Fasting & Prayer
Listen to the last installment of our "Stuff Christians Do".
Get Your Head Out of Your App. FaceTime.
Tonight, we start our two week series Get Your Head Out of Your App. Discussing how to responsibily use Social Media and to understand how Christ intends use to have face-to-face relationships instead of screen-to-screen relationships.
The Funeral
Listen as Pastor Josh closes up a fun night by talking about putting Mr. Clique to rest and why it's so important!
Same Old Love. Relationships.
Listen as Steven Frank finishes up our "Same Old Love" series by talking about "Relationships."
Same Old Love. Sex
We continue our Same Old Love series with week as Pastor Josh talks about SEX!
How to Have a Terrible 2016. Get Distracted.
Tonight, Ashlee brings the word in our last "How to Have a Terrible 2016" series entitled "Get Distracted." Do you find your heart being distracted by the things of this world? Listen to the message as Ashlee shares how to NOT have a Distracted 2016!
How to Have a Terrible 2016. Live in Fear.
Listen as we start our new series to begin the new year, "How to Have a Terrible 2016." This week's message is titled "Live in Fear." Bekah Forgey is sharing with us about her story of facing fear head on and how she, with God, has found herself miracu...