Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Latest Episodes

Episode 44, The One-Year Anniversary: What Edward Snowden’s Revelations Really Reveal About Government
June 14, 2013

It's the one-year anniversary of Consider This! Just seems like yesterday it was getting off the ground. They grow up so fast. And since it's a special occasion, I hope you won't mind that my usual 10-minute-or-less podcast nearly hit 13 minutes! Edward

Episode 43: The Boy Scouts Policy Change, and the ObamaCare ID Card
June 06, 2013

Did you know that the Boy Scouts recently allowed alcoholic boys to join? After all, there is a genetic component to alcoholism, and certainly you can't discriminate against someone like that if they were born that way, right? No, just kidding, but only

Episode 42: The Root Issue of the IRS Scandal, and Conservative Drive-by Graphics
May 24, 2013

The root of the issue with IRS scandal is the size of government. Yes, this happens under any administration, because the government is too big, and things can go on without the proper people being aware of it. Yes, man is sinful and all Presidents fail i

Episode 41: Missing the Point on Benghazi, the IRS Gets Political, & the Gosnell Verdict
May 17, 2013

The New Yorker magazine said this recently about the Benghazi issue: "“For a long time, it seemed like the idea of a coverup was just a Republican obsession. But now there is something to it.” No, there was always something to it. It's just now been d

Episode 40: Listener Feedback on Polygamy, and Who Else (Beside the Media) Ignored Kermit Gosnell
May 09, 2013

I got our first e-mail listener feedback from what I talked about last episode, regarding whether or not legalizing same-sex marriage necessarily leads to polygamy. I thought it had to, but one listener took on my challenge to come up with a scenario wher

Episode 39: Recent History Repeating Itself, and Liberals Making the Case for Polygamy After Same-sex Marriage
May 01, 2013

The housing bubble, anyone remember it? That’s when people who would not have otherwise been able to get credit to buy a house were given it anyway because the government pressured banks to do it. Everybody gets a home, and if you’re against this poli

Episode 38: What Marriage Is, Why It Matters, and the Consequences of Redefining It
April 24, 2013

A one-topic show, as well as only having one link, but it's a doozy. I talked about "marriage equality" in show 36, and showed that asking for equality in something is not helpful if you don't understand the nature of what you're asking equality for. "...

Episode 37: The Boston Blame Game, and the Media Ignore Gosnell’s Little Abortion Shop of Horrors
April 17, 2013

The bombing of the Boston Marathon started a number of things; a terrorism investigation, increased security all over the country, and the media's attempt to, again, blame the Right for domestic terrorism. Folks, please, let’s take care of the wounded

Episode 36: Marriage “Equality”, Obama Proclaims Fiscal Capability Month, and Another California City Goes Bankrupt
April 04, 2013

The Supreme Court recently heard 2 cases related to same-sex "marriage". Facebook lit up with picture of red "equal" signs with folks proclaiming their support of "marriage equality". But is equality really what this is about? This episode asks you if you

Episode 35: Senator Suggests $22 per Hour Minimum Wage, Gun Permit Applications Are Up, and Democrats Against a Balanced Budget
March 27, 2013

It appears that newly elected Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts is a listener to "Consider This!" How do I know? I suggest a $20 minimum wage as a thought experiment in episode 31, and now she's one-up'ing me, suggesting $22. But her logic is flaw