Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Latest Episodes

Episode 58: A Solution Worse Than the Problem, Climate Models That Don’t Model, and a Late-Breaking Caveat to a Presidential Promise
November 07, 2013

Once again I'm back with a 10-minute-or-less romp through the events of the day. I tried to keep from dealing too much with ObamaCare in this episode, having said as much as I did last episode, but this issue is just sucking the oxygen out of the news cy

Episode 57: Millions of ObamaCare Broken Promises
October 30, 2013

You were told that, if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor. But hospitals are laying off people by the thousands. You were told that, if you liked your health plan, you could keep your health plan. But the Affordable Care Act has, written i

Episode 56: Debt Limit Flip-Flops, and the ObamaCare Math
October 23, 2013

I had a nice conversation with a Twitter follower on the flipping and flopping may Democrats have done on the whole debt limit issue. They were very much against raising it until one of their guys is sitting in the White House. What a difference an admini

Episode 55: A Service Considered Essential, Banning Recreation at Recess, and Name That Quote!
October 17, 2013

Of all the services that the government performs, which ones are considered "essential"? Which ones stay operating even during a shutdown? Here's an example of one, and in fact, it's a service that is active only during a shutdown. What if they held a r

Episode 54: Guns vs Murder Rate, the Stem Cell Debate is Over, and Government Upping the Ante on the Shutdown
October 11, 2013

Do more guns mean more murders and suicides? A Harvard study of European countries may surprise you. Or cause you to yawn in recognition of something we've long understood. Is the stem cell debate -- embryonic vs adult -- now over with the discovery in I

Episode 49: What the Detroit Bankruptcy Has To Say To Us
July 26, 2013

Just one topic this time around. I tackle the Detroit bankruptcy and what is has to say about political policies in other cities, in the US, and, actually, any country around the world. Detroit, Michigan, formerly the auto-making capital of the US, if no

Episode 48: State Attorney Generals are Not Judges, Tea Party “Terrorists”, and the George Zimmerman Trial
July 18, 2013

Can a state government decide what law it will and will not uphold? In Pennsylvania, the state Attorney General has promoted herself to state Supreme Court Justice by refusing to defend a state law's constitutionality because of her own personal opinion o

Episode 47: A Look at the Supreme Court Rulings; Voting Rights Act, Defense of Marriage Act, and California’s Proposition 8
July 09, 2013

I'm a little under the weather this episode, and my voice reflects that. But I'm here anyway to bring you conservative commentary in 10 minutes or less. This time around, I'm taking a look at 3 landmark rulings from the Supreme Court last week; striking

Episode 46: Conservative Targeting at the EPA, Liberal Groups (Not) Targeted at the IRS, and Cable News Scandal Coverage
June 27, 2013

How could conservative groups be targeted for unfair treatment at the Environmental Protection Agency? I couldn't quite understand that when I first heard of it, but indeed the EPA was able to do just that. Liberals have been lifted by the news that grou

Episode 45: The ACLU Sues Over Cake, NY Times Reports On Bias, and Stem Cells From Skin
June 20, 2013

Would you support a baker who refused to bake a cake with a Swastika on it celebrating a pair of loving neo-Nazis who were getting married? Would the ACLU come down on the side of the baker, or the couple? Now, listen as I make one small change to the sit