Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Latest Episodes

Episode 68: An “Interv” with Dale Franks
March 05, 2014

This is only my second "interv" on the show, but I think you're going to really enjoy it, and learn something along the way. Dale Franks blogs at Questions and Observations, and co-hosts the libertarian-oriented podcast, "Observations", with two of his Q&

Episode 67: Writing Laws With a Pen and a Phone, and Hollywood Liberals For Tax Cuts
February 26, 2014

A pen and a phone. That’s what President Obama recently said he had which could circumvent Congress on policy topics he wanted to get moving. Conservatives, like me, compared him to a king, giving orders and expecting everyone to jump. The Left took thi

Episode 66: Vague Criminal Descriptions, Will (Not) Work for ObamaCare, and How the Media Covers Abuse of Power
February 18, 2014

Some students at the University of Minnesota do not like the fact that, when descriptions of the suspects of crime on campus are made public, the race of the student is included. But is reporting it worth the risk? The percentage of Americans no lon...

Episode 65: Canadians Escaping Their Health System, American Workers Get Better Health Care From a Corporation, and How Wisconsin Got a Billion Dollar Surplus
February 04, 2014

I knew that many Canadians were leaving their borders to come to the US to avoid the long waits they have to endure up there. I just didn’t know how many. Well a free-market think tank, the Frasier Institute, has published the numbers for 2013. One of

Episode 64: Who Really Killed the Incandescent Light Bulb, and Simple, Undetectable Voter Fraud
January 28, 2014

The traditional, incandescent light bulb is going extinct this year. Environmentalists touted the fact that even the light bulb industry wanted to get rid of them. Yeah, well of course they did. Listen in to find out how this further cemented their hold o

Episode 63: Global Warming Deja Vu
January 21, 2014

A one-topic episode, wherein I note how the global warming issue has been spun a long while ago, a little while ago, and today. This is an episode full of deja vu and irony, all packed into 10 minutes or less. A ship trying to document the effects of glo

Episode 62: What Liberalism Has and Will Do To Big Cities, Learning From Mistakes, and the Reason Poverty Plummeted
January 14, 2014

I'm back from vacation, and it's time to get back into conservative commentary, all in 10 minutes or less. Bill de Blasio was recently elected as the mayor of New York City. De Blasio is a liberal Democrat, as opposed to the liberal Republican Michael Bl

Episode 61: Other ObamaCare Promise-Breakers, More Guns Means Less Violence, and Sympathy For Open Marriages
December 10, 2013

President Obama gave something of an apology in November for his promise that if you liked your health care plan or doctor, you could keep them, period. Turns out what he meant was that if he liked them, you could keep them. And he turned out to be very d

Episode 60: School Voucher Success, Antarctic Record Ice, and Religion Is Not The Major Cause of War (Not Even Close)
November 26, 2013

The school voucher program in Louisiana is a fantastic success. The high school graduation is significantly up, and the poorest are benefiting the most. So, of course, Obama's Justice Department is suing to stop it on the ground of ... diversity? Reall...

Episode 59: Exposing ObamaCare Navigators, and Bankrupting Another California City
November 15, 2013

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas has exposed corruption, fraud, and hypocrisy. The latest group to get in front of his all-seeing eye are the ObamaCare Navigators, those helpful folks who will get you through all the ins and outs of the ObamaCare exchanges