Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Latest Episodes

Episode 78: A Unique Lawsuit Against ObamaCare, and the Source of the VA’s Troubles
June 02, 2014

Keep an eye on Matt Sissel and the Pacific Legal Foundation’s lawsuit against ObamaCare. They are taking a tact that's not been used before, that ultimately the Supreme Court will likely have to look into. Listen in for details. -

Episode 77: Marriage – State Sovereignty, Loving Your Computer, and Social Experimentation
May 26, 2014

I'm talking about marriage this time, but I'm coming at it from 3 very different angles. - What do state lines mean when it comes to recognizing certain marriages? According to one judge, not much. - Is it discrimination to not allow a guy to marry h...

Episode 76: Brendan and the Benhams; The Intolerant “Tolerance Police” Claim Their Next Victim
May 19, 2014

Back in episode 73, I mentioned the case of Brendan Eich, the new CEO of a technology company, who was drummed out of his job because he had the audacity to give money to a cause he believed in. It wasn't politically correct, however, and he paid for it w

Episode 75: Bill Clinton, Voter ID, Cliven Bundy, the BLM, and What Ties Them All Together
May 02, 2014

Former President Bill Clinton, former Atlanta mayor Andrew Young, Cliven Bundy, and the Bureau of Land Management walk into a bar. The bartender looks at them and says, "Sounds like an episode of 'Consider This!'" Indeed it is, and it's one in which I fi

Episode 74: The Problems Predicted and the Better Solutions Conservatives Had For ObamaCare
April 25, 2014

In spite of all its rollout issues, the glitches, the delays and the special privileges, the promise of ObamaCare was that, in getting more people, mostly the young and the poor, insured, that would spread out the risk and make insurance cheaper overall,

Episode 73: The Freedom of Speech; Culturally and Legally
April 18, 2014

Freedom of speech is under attack in this county. The irony is that those who call themselves "tolerant" and "free thinkers" are, very often, the ones pushing against this right, both in our culture and via the legal system. Two examples in this episode i

Episode 72: Portrait of a Right-Wing Extremist
April 04, 2014

This is a special edition of "Consider This!" I wrote an essay back in 1996, when the label "right-wing extremist" was being slapped on anyone who leaned conservative. With a few edits, this essay still has something to say to us today. See if you can ...

Episode 71: The Plural of “Anecdote” Is Not “Data”; Defending ObamaCare With Success Stories
March 28, 2014

You’ve no doubt heard them yourself. I’ve heard them quite a bit; on social media, on blogs, and even in TV commercials. I’m talking about people with their own personal stories about how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka ObamaCare,

Episode 70: For the Ukraine, From Russia, With Love
March 21, 2014

This time, I spent all my time on one topic, but it’s one that spans over 30 years. (But I’ll still be done in 10 minutes or less.) - During the presidential debates between Mitt Romney and President Obama,

Episode 69: Getting a Fair Hearing, I Dont Think That Word Means What You Think It Means, and Getting Some Respect
March 14, 2014

It's that time once again, to take 10 minutes (or less) out of your day to get your recommended dose of conservative commentary. - Hearkening back to my first episode ever, the Columbia Journalism Review tackled the subject of paid liberal analysts at...