Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 45: The ACLU Sues Over Cake, NY Times Reports On Bias, and Stem Cells From Skin

June 20, 2013

Would you support a baker who refused to bake a cake with a Swastika on it celebrating a pair of loving neo-Nazis who were getting married? Would the ACLU come down on the side of the baker, or the couple? Now, listen as I make one small change to the situation and see if all of a sudden, things change drastically.

Would you believe that there is media bias in how the same-sex marriage issue is portrayed and reported? Well, a Pew Research study proves it, and the NY Times reports it as actual news. (Which it is, but it may really be news to NY Times readers.)

George W. Bush, far from being the anti-science neanderthal he was portrayed as, believed science could research its way out of the ethical dilemma of using already-frozen embryonic cells as a source for stem cells. Now we’re producing embryonic cells from skin.

Mentioned links:

TVTalk – Under the Dome

Colo. gay discrimination alleged over wedding cake

Florist sued again for refusing to provide flowers for gay wedding

Christian Photographer Who Refused Gay Wedding Lost Lawsuit

Study Finds Supportive Tilt to Gay Marriage Coverage

Researchers make embryonic stem cells from skin

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  1. Episode 30: NY Times Wakes From Its Slumber, Keeping (and Not Keeping) Secrets in the Media, and Name That Quote
  2. Episode 34: A Run on the Banks, Democrats Remember How To Create a Budget, and Slate Readers Learn of Media Bias
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