Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 37: The Boston Blame Game, and the Media Ignore Gosnell’s Little Abortion Shop of Horrors

April 17, 2013

The bombing of the Boston Marathon started a number of things; a terrorism investigation, increased security all over the country, and the media’s attempt to, again, blame the Right for domestic terrorism. Folks, please, let’s take care of the wounded and bury our dead before breaking out the knee-jerk reactions, OK? It seems like after every single act like this, the media just has to have a race to see who can blame conservatives first.

There’s a murder trial going on in Pennsylvania. A doctor was arrested in 2011 for killing 8 people, and the trial has been going on since March 18th. Accusations of beheadings, special treatment for whites, severed feet in jars, 15-year-olds administering anesthesia, unsanitary clinic conditions that spread STDs to unsuspecting women, and multiple state agencies made aware of this but who chose to ignore what was going on. It wasn’t on the front page of your newspaper, or of the national TV news, because it paints abortion in a bad light, and Kermit Gosnell as the example of doing back-alley abortions in an approved clinic.

Mentioned links:


Fox News Contributor Responds to Boston Marathon Explosions: Kill All Muslims

Erik Rush bio

Philadelphia abortion clinic horror

Snopes entry: Dr. Kermit Gosnell Trial

From Roe to Gosnell: The case for regime change on abortion.

WPost reporter explains her personal Gosnell blackout

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