Congressional Dish

Congressional Dish

Latest Episodes

CD124: The Costs of For-Profit War
April 24, 2016

Two defense contractors went on a podcast and everything they said was true. In this episode, discover the shocking extent to which our government has privatized wartime operations. Please support Congressional Dish: Click here to contribute with PayPa...

CD123: Health or Profits
April 10, 2016

Health: Is there anything more important? In this episode, we examine three bills that moved through Congress in 2016 which would have a direct effect on the health of American citizens. Would the changes benefit you?

CD122 European Union Attacks
March 27, 2016

In the wake of the Brussels bombings, which attacked the heart of the European Union, we examine the history of the European Union and how this terrorist attack may affect its future. Please support Congressional Dish: Click here to contribute with Pay...

CD121: Legislative Sabotage
March 13, 2016

Stop the laws! In this episode, learn the details of three bills that passed the House of Representatives in January which would make enforcing laws more difficult for Federal agencies. Please support Congressional Dish: Click here to contribute with P...

CD120: Cybersecurity For Sale
February 29, 2016

CISA is law; all private companies have immunity for sharing data with the government for "cybersecurity", so what happens now? In this episode, we examine the plans being discussed and implemented by Congress to secure the data stored by the U.S.

CD119: Angel Watch Center
February 14, 2016

Good news! A new law was signed that creates the Angel Watch Center within the Department of Homeland Security, which will coordinate travel monitoring of convicted sex offenders. In this episode, Jen discusses the new law with Tim Ballard,

CD118: How to Get Your Name on the Ballot
February 07, 2016

In this special episode, we take a look at the different rules for getting on the ballot for the House of Representatives in all fifty States, and take a look at how some States made it way too hard for Independents to qualify. -

CD117: Authorization for Limitless War
January 31, 2016

War ahead! While the country was busy preparing for a giant snowstorm, the leader of the Senate quietly made an Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) eligible for a vote in the Senate, fast tracking it through normal Senate process.

CD116: Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – Environment Chapter
January 24, 2016

In the third and final episode in our Trans-Pacific Partnership series, we take a look at the TPP Environment Chapter; would the treaty actually improve enforcement of environmental laws around the world? - Please support Congressional Dish: -

CD115: Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Access to Medicine
January 17, 2016

Need drugs? The Trans-Pacific Partnership is an international treaty that Congress needs to approve. In this episode, find out how the TPP would affect your access to medicine. Would this treaty provide you access to life-saving drugs or would it provi...