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David Koch is dead.
My buddy George dropped by and so we celebrated the death of an evil man, David Koch.
ClayNation Podcast 009 - Game of Thrones Finale
Thomas and Wendy say goodbye to the good people of Westeros
ClayNation Podcast 006
Lordy, Lordy, some shit is going down and we're gonna talk about it
ClayNation Podcast 004
Tonight's episode is brought to you by Promethazine DM... or pro-meth for short. Topics include - baby executing Doctors (don't worry, apparently they wrap them up very nicely first or something like that)
ClayNation Podcast 003 - PART ONE
Rudy, Rudy, Rudy... What a pathetic little liar you are... Stay tuned for PART 2
ClayNation Podcast 001
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