Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

Predictions: What's in store for K-12 schools in 2022?

January 08, 2022
Predictions for 2022

In Episode 212 of Class Dismissed, we chat about what education may look like in 2022?

  • Could we see a mass exodus of teachers fed up with educating through a pandemic?
  • How might two years of learning in a pandemic impact test scores?
  • Will Universal Pre-K ever become a reality?

We examine Larry Ferlazzo’s latest list of predictions, and Kristina weighs in with her perspective.

Making employment central to educational offerings

Also, in this episode, we often think of higher education as the place that preps us for our future careers. But is this the focus of colleges and universities? Are students finding work related to their degree right after graduation?

Our guest has some ideas on how colleges can better prep students for the workforce.

You can listen to the latest Episode of Class Dismissed on your favorite podcasting app or iTunes.

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