City Limits - A Poverty Project

City Limits - A Poverty Project

Latest Episodes

Strengthening Our Child Care Workforce As Economic Recovery
August 17, 2022

Childcare is increasingly being recognized as not just something that affects those who need it and work in it, but as a central economic issue that effects the entire community.

What About Human Services Agencies?
June 22, 2022

The non-profit human services agencies that serve Central New York’s most vulnerable residents are among those hit hardest by the labor shortage.

It’s Summertime, but the Hiring Isn't Easy
June 06, 2022

Summertime means pooltime in Central New York. But the city of Syracuse’s Parks, Recreation and Youth Programs department is wondering how well they can serve that need this year.

Filling the Job Vacancy Void with Technical Training?
May 18, 2022

Businesses and manufacturers in Central New York frequently say they have job openings but, the local workforce lacks the necessary qualified candidates with college degrees, specific skill sets and certified job training.  The job vacancy dilemma has edu

Is Remote Work A Fit For Everyone?
April 08, 2022

Central New Yorkers converted toy rooms, dining rooms and kitchen tables into offices during COVID. More than 30 percent of U.S. employees reported some form of teleworking amid the pandemic.

Developing a Local Workforce
March 16, 2022

It’s no secret that Syracuse has opportunity on its horizon. But to fully take advantage of what lies ahead, the city needs the workforce to do so.

Measuring the Labor Shortage
March 01, 2022

You’ve seen the signs everywhere for the past several months.  Help Wanted.

Introducing City Limits: A Working Dilemma
February 15, 2022

When the pandemic struck the United States in 2020, many of us were forced to adjust the way we work. Some of us were forced to work remotely, while others were simply told not to come to work.

Students Are The Leaders In SCSD’s New Diversity Training Initiative
August 09, 2021

Diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI training, has been on the rise for years across sectors, but following the murder of George Floyd, demand for these trainings surged.

Boosting Entrepreneurship to Address the Wealth Gap
June 07, 2021

According to the National Equity Atlas, workers of color are disproportionately affected by economic inequality.  They tend to be concentrated in low-wage jobs with little opportunity for economic security or upward mobility.  And with far less income to