The Cindy Rushton Show

The Cindy Rushton Show

Episode 29: Transition!

May 06, 2021

Welcome to Our NEW Show!

Last night as I was worshiping and praying, God dropped in my heart a beautiful picture of what He is allowing for many of us—transition.

Here is what I heard Him saying...

Many of us have cried out for vision, clarity, and change.

Last year disappointed many of you because you were expecting 2020 vision. You were expecting a year that didn’t deliver to your expectations!


I’m hearing His reminder that in His prophetic calendar, the 5770’s were years of vision. Many of us were given vision of what His destiny is for us. We saw. We sat. We soaked.

5780 hit in conjunction with 2020. It began a decade of “speaking forth” or “ bringing forth” the vision, declaring what God is doing, sharing how He works, sharing His plans, inspiring others into their destinies.

What happened?

As revival was moving into a full flame, the enemy poured out fear, anxiety, and infirmity. Our whole world has panicked rather than turn to the One Who is King of all kings and Lord of all Lords. Our churches shut down. We were muzzled. We were distanced.

God reminded me of what that calendar month meant in the Hebrew calendar. We are in it now again. ️

This is a month of deliverance. This is a month of supernatural deliverance and extravagant provision. This is a month of transition. This is a month of new beginnings.

What does that mean?

It means that it is time for you to step out into your destiny, even if you don’t see every step or especially if you don’t see every step.

Whatever you are afraid of—provision, mistakes, letting go, stepping out now, readiness—its time to step out. Those things are discouragement, distractions, and interruptions that are intended to stop you from fulfilling your calling, life purpose, and destiny.  Those things are weapons of the enemy intended to keep you from being the force God designed you to be. Those are weapons intended to keep you stuck where you are so you don’t ever step into your destiny in the kingdom of God!

This is a month to remember that you are in transition. You are moving from where you have been to where you are going. It is literally a transition from the past to the future.

Transition is that period of time changing from one place or condition to another. It is the process or period necessary for change. It is going through from one place to another.

God gives us a beautiful story of transition that took place in this month—the Israelites going from bondage to promise.

Think of what happened—in the transitioned they faced impossibilities like crossing the Red Sea, feeding and watering 1.5 million people, fighting organized armies, going to a place many had never seen.

Our transitions can seem just as impossible.


What are you facing today? What do you need to get to the other side? What is terrifying you?

God is there. This month He reminds you that He is there and is wanting to carry your burdens. He is wanting to be there as your good, good Father Who reigns over all—all sickness, all life, all provisional needs, all of your destiny, all direction, all battles—all that concerns you! He is with you every step of the way! He is supplying you with everything you need...and let’s stretch you...with what you DESIRE!

Today, you may feel the shaking, the stretching, the pressing.

Today, you may not see clearly.

Today, you may feel panicked, afraid, pressed, and even confused.

Tomorrow you will be on the other side!

Today, you are only moving from strength to strength and glory to glory!

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