Churchcentral Birmingham: Talks
Latest Episodes
... So We Serve // John 13:1-20 // Jonny Mellor // CC South 29.9.24
Jonny unpacks this passage in John.
Prayer Matters // Nehemiah 1 // Emma Winmill // CC North 22.9.24
Emma from Urban Devotion explores what we can lea
Revealed things and mysteries // John 12:37-50 // Jonny Mellor // CC South 22.9.24
Jonny looks at what is a mystery and what has bee
The Holy Spirit Sends Us // Galatians 5:13-26 // Jonny Mellor // CC South 15.9.24
Jonny explores what it means to be sent by the Ho
From Now On I Will Bless You // Haggai 2:10-23 // Dave Williams // CC North 15.9.24
What changes for God's people, how can they move
The Holy Spirit Forms Us // Galatians 5:13-26 // Jonny Mellor // CC South 8.9.24
Jonny talks on the topic of 'How does the Holy Sp
Dealing With Disappointment // Haggai 2:1-9 // James Mellor // CC North 8.9.24
How do we deal with life when things don't go as
The Call To Build // Haggai 1 // Chris Yeo // CC North 1.9.24
Haggai 1 informs us of God's desire to see his dw
Baptism In The Spirit // Acts 1:1-8 // Jonathan Bell // CC South 1.9.24
Jonathan unpacks the question, 'What is baptism i
Any Dream Will Not Do // Genesis 46-50 // Dave Williams // CC North 25.8.24
Dave explains why it is not any dream that will d