Chicago Justice Podcast

Latest Episodes
What does the science say about ShotSpotter?
In a first-of-its-kind independent analysis of the effectiveness of ShotSpotter, the science says the technology does not lead to more arrests and convictions for gun crimes and does not reduce these
Time to Remove Guns from People Suspected of DV?
We open season four with a discussion of Karinas bill, which hopes to formalize a process for the courts & police departments throughout Illinois to seize guns from individuals who have an order of p
Trying to Erase History is Purposeful
On todays show, we discuss the connection between racialized policing in the US and the efforts by the right-wing to erase slavery from Americas history. We discuss this with Joseph Flynn, the Execu
ACLU on CPD Traffic Stop Lawsuit
On today's episode, we feature an interview with Alexandra Block from the ACLU of Illinois about their lawsuit against the Chicago Police Department's highly questionable traffic stop practices. The A
Mismanagement & Abuse at JTDC
Today's episode discusses the long history of abuse and mismanagement at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center (JTDC) with Injustice Watch reporters Kelly Garcia and Carlos Ballesteros.
CPD Doesn’t Take Lying Seriously
Despite promises to the contrary by the Chicago Police Department and the agencies that make up the police accountability system in Chicago, lying while undertaking your official duties as an officer
Kareem Butler – Truth About Electronic Monitoring
On today's show we attempt to bring facts and science to the discuss around the Pre-Trail Fairness Act (PTFA) and the state of electronic monitoring (EM) in the Cook County criminal justice system. We
Raina Lipsitz on Toxic Cycle of Justice Reform
On the show today we sit down with Raina Lipsitz to discuss America's problem with justice reform and how cities like Chicago are caught in endless cycle of failure when it comes to passing meaningful
Our Take on Adam Toledo Shooting
The Adam Toledo shooting while a massive tragedy was not out of line with Chicago Police Department guidelines and so the firing of Eric Stillman smells like politics. Despite how the video of this s
Kim Foxx is Not Running for Re-Election
Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx has announced that after two terms in office she will not be running for re-election in the fall of 2024. On today's show we will provide our quick response to Fo