

How to Be An Antiracist Ep. 15

December 22, 2019

Podcast Description
Queer Racism: A powerful collection of racist policies that lead to inequity between race-sexualities and are substantiated by racist ideas about race-sexualities. 

Queer Antiracism: A powerful collection of racist policies that lead to equity between race-sexualities and are substantiated by antiracist ideas about race-sexualities. 

Page 196: Dr. Kendi uses the word “perform/ed” related to the outward behavioral ideas of femininity and masculinity, what are your thoughts on the use of this word in the context of sexuality
Page 197: Start following 10 new people, on whatever social media platform you use, from the Black and brown transgender community. Your intention is NOT to become a voyeur or parasite, but it seek opportunities to support and amplify the causes they care about WITHOUT centering yourself.
Page 200: Define “patriarchal woman”. Write a critique about their role in maintaining systems of oppression, which includes a strategy that challenges that role.


How to Be An Antiracist Ep. 15
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