Carnival of Randomness

Carnival of Randomness

Episode 65 - Winging It... with Music

February 03, 2020

With the hectic start to 2020, things sometimes get a little strange and discombobulated. And even we here at The Carnival are not immune to such insanity. With that, we would like to present a bit of an older episode. It was right during the big flu plague of 2019, so many people around the area were down with illness, but thankfully our buddy Dave from The False Positive braved the germ infested air to come down and talk some music. We needed a bit of a break from the Christmas hangover, but we talk lots of music, as we tend to do. And also as we tend to do, we didn't stick on our original topic which was 1970s music. But we're all over the place and people like it. Oh and we'd be remiss if we didn't give a congratulations to Andy Reid and the Kansas City Chiefs. Walrus 4 Lyfe!

Apologies to Dave and The False Positives for getting this out after their gig, but don't for one second thing that that will be the last one they do. Keep an eye on their social media for upcoming gigs around the city.

The False Positives

Stay tuned after the podcast for some music from some more friends of the Carnival, the Badenovs. From their album "Step On It Big Boy" we are proud to present "K-Tel Rock Star". Find them and love them as we do.

Song used with permission, all rights to the Badenovs.


This episode was sponsored by Opsitnick & Associates. Lawyers and advocates for you, the people, for 40 years. Visit them on Facebook or their website





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